🍰 Schools No. 1 Topic

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November 21st, It led to something

Dear Diary...

It was raining. Like a lot. More so that the sky was nearly black. Raindrops weren't raindrops anymore. Instead of them being soft drop of water they ended up being hard like ice. Like they wanted to make holes in the ground.

Speaking of holes, Grace told me that I had gotten into one. A big one. I didn't really understood what she meant by that and by the time I was about to ask her she walked away. Weird right?

Well, another thing that happened was actually during PE, which I skip almost every week, I felt stares on me. Like their eyes were glued onto me from a big distance. I was just sitting there listening to Kpop songs, but I was still able to hear some girls' laughs as they mention my name. Thank God Mina was absent today or I would've completely lost my s*it.

Classes came and went, but I am still thinking about the so called "homework" my English teacher gave me. She's my favorite by the way. She noticed I was not bothered by the "whispers" about me but somehow she managed to be. Funny. I find it funny.

After class she called me over to her desk and tried talking to me about my lack of friendship with the class and probably every student in school.

She gave me a "homework" about friendship.

She told me that I have to try to get close to more people. Communicate more ect. I was never good with homeworks I can't write on the paper, so this would be a challenge.

Maybe I should write about my "homework" in here? My diary!? I hope she won't be mad. Would she?

By 3PM the rain had stopped pouring. I didn't  really noticed. I guess these songs do take you to another dimension. On my way to my mom's restaurant I saw one of my classmates Trina with her new boyfriend. She changes them more then I do my socks. Trina was never really a friendly type. But I decided to talk to her.

I came to her and politely said "Hi!"
She looked at me and then at her boyfriend.
"Trina who's this?" he asked.
"I don't really know myself. You are?" Her hands folding in front of her chest as she speaks was definitely one of the most disturbing things I've ever witnessed. That just proves how much I dislike her.

"Oh never mind! I thought that you were someone else! Sorry for this." I said as I speed-walked to my mom's restaurant. I just wanted to cry. After ages of feeling nothing I really wanted to cry. I had a hard feeling in my chest. I didn't feel nice. I felt like my heart was about to sink in anytime.

By the time I got to my mom's restaurant rain started again and I really wanted to cry. Without anyone really knowing. So I did that. I dont think anyone really noticed from the hard rain.

It was weird. My cheeks were wet but not just because of rain. I still felt my tears there. On my face.

Your sincerely Clara Wanrow

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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