Episode Nine

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||Episode Nine||

"Here ya go kid, good job!"The old man says handing the male some money, his salary for the first day as he just joined, making Hoseok smile, sighing in relief once he's assured he'll be able to pay his rents and all.

His mind completely was taken off from the incident that had happened, as work had him busy as hell, but now that he has to go home, he'll eventually remember.

Walking out of the building he was in a few moments ago, he looks around before joining the walking path to his way home .

On his way, thoughts wander in his mind before his mind clicks on one certain thought.

Last night.

He stops walking mid-way before taking a deep breath, standing in the middle of the pathway, his eyes staring at the ground with a frown settled on his face.

"You're safe.."

He just can't go back in that place, literal danger lives there, he had to get a new place to live soon.

But he doesn't quite have the place to say nights for...

Guess he's staying there now..


The male looks around the room, a baseball bat in his shaky hands as his eyelids try to keep open, desperately trying to stay awake and pass the night.

He gasps as he hears wind blowing outside making him gulp and look around again.

What if something jumps on him?
What if he gets killed?

If these demons are back, why are they back!?

I mean he broke the connection, he made them go away, they were gone for a year then why return now!?

Wait wait, the only thing that survived throughout that whom burning incident ....

..was him..

...so if he wanted to break the connection between them, he needed to burn every single thing there, an he was also a type of thing there...

...so results are.

He is the remaining connection between the two.

Holy fuck, meaning he has to die to end all this.

That's she realization hit him, and that's when it all starts to finally happen.

A startled gasp again leaves his lips as he sees the door creak open like someone pushed it open, ad he clutches the weapon tightly in his sweaty hands.

He had to die.

Gulping thickly, with trembling hands, he peaks down the bed, a silent squeak leaving his lips as he notices a horrifying thing crawling into his room, as he hides beneath the sheets.

His sweaty hands clutch the bat tightly, closing his eyes tightly, his own ragged breath in his ears.

Creak .

His breath hatches as something heavy climbs on the Ed when he feels a dip next to his side, his figure shaky , the thing coul probably see him shaking.

A few hours pass as nothing goes on, making him shakily remove his coverings, revealing clear air.

He perks his head up, seeing nothing around, making him sit up.

Where did the thing go!?

He gasps throwing the sheets away when he sees hand marks covering them, long and bloody.

Either he kills himself or..

..these things will haunt him forever.

He just had to do it.

Thank you so much for reading, and I apologize for the shit chapter after a late update.

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