Jaime's POV

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We all sat down on the couch. Well Tone and Mike did. I sat on the floor. Couches are too mainstream. Mike sighed.

"Someone should go check on him, he's been up there a while." We all side again, but no one moved. Mike and Tony looked at each other, their hands simultaneously going up to their heads.

"Not it." They shouted.

"Damnit!" I got up from my comfortable spot on the floor and stomped upstairs. Mike and Tony's laughter faded as I got further away. I neared Vic's door, and saw that it was slightly ajar. That's weird... I peeked in. I heard quiet whimpers and immediately put my hands over my eyes.

" Please don't be naked, please don't be naked." I peeked through my fingers, the room was empty. What the fuck? I thought as I stepped completely in the room. Did he leave? There was no sign of the anywhere. I looked under the bed and everything. I pulled out my phone,

              Ay Kellin, u c Vic??

I waited a bit. No replies. I looked around one more, stopping at the closed bathroom door. The light was on. A sigh of relief left my lips.

"Vic?" I knocked on the door. Nothing.

"Vic?" I called again and they open the door. There he was, lying on the floor. A pool of blood slowly forming around him. I just stood there. Fuck. Fuck. I ran over to him.

"Holy shit viccy!" I ran over to him. Dropping near his bleeding wrist.

"MIKE , TONE?!!" I yelled as I pulled out a towel from under the sink.

He mumbled out a single "sorry" and closes eyes. Shit. Shit.

"N-no Vic. It's okay. You're going to be okay. " I heard Mike and Tony running up the stairs.

"Jaime??" Tone called out cautiously. I pressed harder onto Vic's wrist.

"I-in h-here."

Why is Vic? I thought.

"Jaime, there you are ma-" He stopped speaking with a fully entered the room. I could barely hide the panic in my voice,

"C-call 911."

Mike started to yell, "JAIME WHAT THE FU-"

"CALL THEM!" I screamed, cutting Mike off. I didn't bother turning around. Mike and Tony hurried downstairs to call the police. I pulled out my phone with my other hand since one was still on Vic' wrist. I called Kellin. It rang once, twice, three times. I huffed,

"Shit!" Why the fuck was he answering?! I called him again. Still no answer. So I called Oliver. He answered on the third ring.

"What!" He spat.

"O-Oliver v-vic he..he.. bleeding.."

I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

"Wait mate..calm down, what's happened??"

I attempted to calm myself down. I took a few deep breaths.

" Its Vic...he t-tried to k-kill himself."

A/N: oh haii sykos :)
Look who decided to update again lol. Now that I've finally wrapped up what's happened to poor viccy
:'( We can move past the drama. Things are getting better in the near future. Are you ready?? Tell me how you like this chapter in the comments yea?
Peace out yo! :*

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