Chapter 16: The Book Fair

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15th Week of School


Whatever phase I was the last few weeks has gradually gotten better and I've managed to see myself in a better place than before. I've been more opened to my friends, slowly letting them back in while I get better. Irene had invited me to go the school's book fair with her after school, and being the bookworm I am I couldn't deny the offer.

After school I head to Irene's locker and we walk downstairs to the library where the book fair will take place.

I see a variety of works of fiction layered across the newly placed shelves. And in excitement I rush over with Irene to see if there was anything I could get.

The book fair is an event where books of many genres are temporarily displayed for people to buy when they aren't in the library. They're not available to borrow so it's a good opportunity to enlarge my reading stash.

The library at the academy is as large as two floors since there's a a spiral staircase leading up to more reading material, honestly a book worm's dream.

I scan across all the books I see, and I wait for one to draw my attention. I stop suddenly at one of the shelves and look at the cover, I start to pick it up and read the title aloud to myself.

"How to Survive High School..a thrilling story of a young teen's journey of her start of Secondary School. Filled with tips from graduates from top universities, motivation and a way to get back on track."

As a freshmen, I see no harm in picking it out and grab on to it getting the last copy. It's been really rough since I've returned from school, especially since I wanted to get better as soon as possible, but everyone had been so weary of me as if I was fragile.

It was partly my fault, I could have done something about it, but now I shouldn't look back on it if there's nothing I can do about it now.

I prance around looking for more books and I see Jake looking at some things too so I went and joined him. He must have wanted new reading material too.

He acknowledges as he continues read the synopsis of what he's reading and once he finished he closes the book abruptly and looks at me. I look at the cover and smirk.

"So who's the lucky girl?"

He starts ruffling his hair embarrassingly and ushers us the front hoping I'll forget about him  taking a book called "Romance in Life" which is about the feeling of young love.

He offers to pay for me but I tell him it's okay and take a 20 dollar bill out.

"There you are! I didn't find anything I wanted, let's go out and buy dinner." Irene joined us at the checkout, Jake offered to give us a ride but we politely declined since he looked tired. He's been really busy with his schoolwork and upcoming play so he went back to his dorm to rest.

Irene and I went to a nearby Pizza Place around 4 pm and took a taxi home so we could be back by 5 pm so we could give some to my parents and brother and so Irene can sleepover.

Once finally back at my house, we decided to just chat while having a Disney Movie Marathon.


"Yeah what's up?"

"How have you been doing?"

I think before asking, the question was oddly sudden, but I could tell even though it's only been a few weeks, she's worried about me.

"I'm doing alright, my memory is getting better and I'm slowly starting to be back to my old self. Just in time too! With Christmas Break coming I can rest up and exercise my brain for exams coming up." I smile softly to reassure her but something seems to be bothering her. My face drops as I feel she's hiding something from me.

"Is something wrong?"

She looks up and shakes her head.

"When you're ready, I'll tell you. Just focus on recovering."

I nod slowly and we continue to watch the movie.

Out of all of us Irene and I have known each other the best. We helped each other get back up in our weakest of moments. The type of person you can lean on, and someone you trust your life with. The others I may have known for longer, but she arguably knows me better.

She wasn't perfect, but as a perfectionist herself nothing got past her. I was thankful in a way though, she looks out for me and I do the same for her. One of the closest things I have for a sister. Which I'm grateful for.

I look back at Irene and not surprising I see her starting to fall asleep, I smile softly and turn off the TV. I help her onto the bed and she starts dozing off.

I then sit down cross-crossed and take out the book I'm reading.

"High School....a different journey for everyone. And a different experience for everyone. Wherever where you go, wherever you may end up, your journey starts here, so make the most of it. Cherish the memories, learn from mistakes, and most importantly, enjoy the four years in a way you'll look back on theses days as memorable."

I take a deep breathe and close the book as I start to rub my eyes. I had a good feeling about this book, it may not have "How to succeed High School after a major setback" but it's close enough.

Hopefully I can get myself together, I know I can...

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