A Rather Queer Introduction

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(Y/N= Your Name)
(Your nickname is Elle :3)

"Everyone I have a friend you would like to meet!" Alastor's voice rang through the halls of the Hazbin Hotel, "and she's friendly!"
Charlie was eager, Angel Dust, not so much. Charlie's girlfriend was out of town for a few weeks for important business conferences, so it left the trio short of a fourth member.

"Sooo who is she?" Charlie asks with a  excited grin on her face.
"Can we hurry up and get this over with?" Angel rolls his eyes, "I have better things to do."
"Ah, just be patient my feminine friend, for the girl you are about to meet will be the best thing you will ever see!"
"Pretty sure that's bullshit" Angel chuckles before flipping his hair.
Alastor's smile stayed on his face, before his voice turned soft and sweet, "come out my dear, don't be shy."
Charlie and Angel looked at each other with confusion.
"Who the hell are you talking to?" Angel speaks up, his arms up in the air.
Alastor opens his cape up slightly, and a small girl with big blue eyes timidly walks out. "This is Y/N everyone" he picks her up, "isn't she so cute?"
Angel looked at her with jealousy, "I don't like you."
Y/N shook her head quickly and hid her face in Alastor's neck. "Hey hey it's okay Y/N" Alastor looks her in the eyes, "Angel isn't the nicest here, but I promise to keep you out of harm's way okay?"
Both Angel and Charlie were amazed at how gentle Alastor was being. His voice was so soft and he seemed to be so much sweeter towards Y/N than themselves. "Are you sure Ally?" Charlie's heart melted hearing the little girl speak. It was a little squeaky, and the way she said Alastor's nickname was precious. "I promise you Elle" Alastor taps Y/N's nose with one of his fingers. She giggles and hugs him, "thank you Ally."

Alastor lets Y/N down and she looks at the floor. "I-I am Y/N" she says, clearly nervous,  "I-I am s-small, but I-I would like to h-help..."
Charlie could tell she was very nervous, but also saw that Alastor's hand was gently rubbing her shoulder, most likely to calm her down.
"I am upmost proud of you Y/N" Alastor's smile widens as he crouches down to Y/N's level. There he gently caresses her cheek, cooing at her with sweet compliments. 
"So is she like your girlfriend or something?" Angel suddenly asks with both his arms crossed.
Alastor laughs a little before lifting Y/N up in his arms, "No, she is my roommate Angel."
Y/N's big blue eyes move over to look at Charlie.
"Isn't she the princess Ally?" She asks, pointing at Charlie.
"Why yes she is Y/n" Alastor's grin grew even more,  "I am glad you could tell!"
"Hello there!" Charlie was short compared to Alastor, so from Y/n's perspective, she was small. 
"Hello" Y/n spoke, "it is nice to meet you."
"Glad to meet you to!" Charlie flashes a friendly smile.
Angel only rolled his eyes, "I'm going to my room, don't ever disturb me again for the rest of the day."
Alastor only chuckles, "okay! I will not disturb you unless it is business!"
Angel sighs before walking away and going upstairs. Y/N had gotten herself down and was already investigating the place around once he had left.
"This place gives me a happy vibe" she says while looking at some balloons that were tied to a table.
"That's what it's supposed to be" Charlie sighs, seeing that no one hasn't entered the hotel.
"Hey Ally" Y/n holds up a microphone, "remember back at home?"
Alastor's eyes seemed to brighten, "oh yes! I remember we used to sing together!"
Charlie looks at Alastor with a questioning expression, "you sing?"
"Why yes Charlie! I remember when I was alive I used to sing to pass the time and to entertain myself!"
Y/n giggles before looking in awe at a flat screen TV.
"Wow! I have never seen one this big before!" She says, inspecting it very closely.
Charlie chuckles, "she seems to really like you Alastor, tell me why."
"Well Charlie, I will tell you how I met her...."
I walked the streets everyday, always seeing what is new and to see who has freshly arrived down here. The gates that prevent souls from entering was where I first met Y/n. She was just entering and she was so tiny. So small, anyone would've mistaken her as a child. I did, at first. She looked terrified, and very nervous and timid by everything. I could see she had a tail, but I couldn't see what at first. Something in me told me to talk to her, to make her feel welcomed here in Hell.
When I walked up to her, she jumped back away from me, begging for me not to hurt her. It was odd, a demon scared of another demon? She looked at me with those eyes. Those big blue eyes that desperately seeked for help anywhere. "I'm not here to hurt you dear" I say to her I a gentle tone. She refused to move. I noticed she was quite small, like the size of a child. What could she had done that brought her here? I heard her speak, but it was very quiet. "Where's mommy? Where's my sissy?" She had tears at the edge of her eyes, "where did they go?" For a demon like myself, my heart actually ached seeing her cry. I offered her a hug, with my arms wide open to her. I was surprised, she ran into my arms, clinging to me like she desperately needed me. "Sweetheart" I gently touch her face, "what happened? Do you know why you're here?"
She shook her head, "n-no I don't..." tears still ran down her cheeks. I felt sympathy for the first time. This girl, young as she is, as no idea how she died nor why she is here. "How old are you dear?" I ask, gently wiping her tears away. "I a-am eight" she responds, holding up eight of her fingers. I was shocked by this, only eight years old, yet here in Hell? That couldn't be right. No one at that age shouldn't or couldn't have committed a sin! I was deep in thought before I realized she was looking at me. "Why are you a-a deer?" She was looking at my horns and my ears with curiosity. "Everyone here is an animal" I explain for her tiny mind to handle, "every animal you see is a reflection of that person's true nature when they were alive."
She actually giggled, and a smile was on her face. She looks at herself, "then, why do I have this?"
She points to her tail that pokes out from under her shirt. It was elephant's tail! "Hm, it could be because you were a part of a herd, a family or group of friends who loved you" I try to tell her in a way for her to understand. She seemed to understand because her tail wagged slightly.
"But, daddy didn't love me" she suddenly says, "daddy was very mean to me."
"What do you mean?" I soon realized people were looking at me with disgusting looks. I sigh as I pick the girl up and take her to my house so people wouldn't be staring at us.
At first, she was looking at the place with awe, but then she shut herself down it seemed.
"Daddy hurts me, and he made me do things I didn't want to do" she says to me while sitting on my lap. "He abused you?" I lift up her chin with my hand, "what did he make you do?"
Tears started to come out of her eyes again, "h-he made me k-kill p-people."
My eyes widen by her words. Was I hearing this right? Forced to kill other people?
"When I refused to kill this one girl he killed me instead" she said in between sobs, "and I-I couldn't stop h-him..."
"Shh shh it's okay" I ended up holding her and rocking her back and forth, "he can't hurt you here."
"But mommy, and sissy, they'll be n-next..." she started having a tremor, shaking violently and sobbing uncontrollably. "It won't happen" I tell her, "he is in prison I'm sure, there he will pay for what he has done to not only innocent people, but his own flesh and blood."
She looked up at me, tears running down her face, "you promise?"
"Of course dear" I gently put my hand against her cheek, "and I will protect you down here so no one can hurt you again."
The funny thing of all of this is, is the fact we never learned our names until later on as we began to start a friendship. But I swore to both myself and for her, that I will protect her and never ever let her get hurt like she did when she was alive. I don't want that to happen to her again, I definitely don't want her to relive it ever again.

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