Group Hangout

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"Remind me again why we are wasting our time like this?"
Angel huffs while tapping the table that he and his friends sat at.
"Because my friend! Y/n wanted to come here and I wanted to invite you guys to come along!" Alastor exclaims with obvious joy.
Where were they? was a small bar where many public performers sang and where Y/n and Alastor first hanged out when they became friends.
"So many memories here..." Y/n had a small smile on her face as she recounts the good times she's had here.
"Ah yes, good times indeed!" Alastor's smile widens thinking about it.
"Hello there~" a woman that was a waitress but also appeared as a prostitute came up to the group, "what will it be handsome~?"
Obviously she was flirting with Alastor, and for some odd reason that set Y/n off. She instinctively grabs Alastor's arm and hides her face with it.
"Something the matter Y/n?" Alastor looks down at her, concerned.
"E-Everything is okay, Ally" Y/n says, trying to contain the tears that suddenly came out.
"What a baby" the woman chuckles, "I could give you a better time if you like~"
Alastor picks up Y/n and sits her on his lap, "tell me dear, what's gotten you so upset?"
Angel and Charlie were both whispering theories to each other on if they are a couple or not.
"It's n-nothing Ally" Y/n sniffles, "it's stupid a-anyway."
"Elle dear" Alastor used Y/n's nickname, "if it's bothering this much then it must not be nothing."
Y/n starts to sob before clinging onto Alastor as if she was going to lose him.
The waitress was enjoying this, seeing how Y/n was upset over what she was saying to Alastor.
Y/n whispers what she wanted to say to Alastor without others hearing her in his ear.
"I don't know why Ally, I get jealous when someone flirts with you like makes me sad..and upset a-and I know that's weird an-"
Alastor shushed her with a finger, "it's okay! I understand Y/n."
Charlie and Angel were very confused by the what was happening.
"What did she tell you Ally?" Angel asks with a smirk.
"Things you do not need to know!" Alastor's attitude with that made Y/n giggle. Eventually they ordered what they wanted and chatted about random things.
"Now seriously, are you two dating?" Charlie directs the question to Y/n, who was chowing down on some chicken.
Her face turned a little red but she responded, "no, we are not."
"Bullshit " Angel says out loud, "the way you two act it is quite obvious you're a couple."
Y/n shakes her head, "nope, we are not a couple Angel."
Alastor only laughs, "Angel my friend! Even if I was, why would it matter to you?" Angel rolls his eyes as he huffs, "maybe I want to be treated like that, ever thought of that?"
Y/n sighs, snuggling up to Alastor's chest and playing with his bow tie.
Alastor grins as he puts his hand around Y/n as she sat there. Her tail swayed back and forth with happiness. "She's so cute like that!" Charlie scoots over to where she is closer to Y/n, "those cute blue eyes and that small elephant tail!"
Y/n looks up at Alastor, who was looking at his microphone.
"Y/n, I'll be right back" Alastor sets her to the side and gets up. "Where are you going Ally?" Y/n asks, a small frown on her face. "I've got to take care of some things at home, don't worry Elle, I'll be back I promise" and with that, he left the bar, leaving Y/n alone with Charlie and Angel.
"Hey sweetheart, want to come to my place~?" Immediately Angel starts with the flirting now that Alastor was gone. "As inviting as that sounds Angel, I'll have to say no" Y/n looks at the table, her expression now a small frown. "Aww it'll be okay Y/n" Charlie gently pats her back, "Alastor will be back, he promised after all."
"Yeah" Y/n looks at Charlie, "you're right, I shouldn't worry too much about it."
Angel scooted himself over to where he was on Y/n's other side, "sooo want to have some fun Y/n~?"
She only could muster a no from her voice, which cracked from embarrassment.  "Aww~ how cute~" Angel starts to play with Y/n's hair, "you're embarrassed because of me right baby~?"
Charlie wasn't sure whether to stop this or not, which begged the question, why isn't she? Y/n's cheeks flushed red as she tried to answer Angel's question, "Y-Yes, actually. "
Y/n's eyes kept searching and hoping Alastor would come back anytime soon. Angel cups both of Y/n's cheeks in his hands, "you're so precious sweetie~♡" he cooed.
She was blushing but a small smile appeared on her face. Then, strangely, the two looked into each other's eyes. It seemed to go one forever because they never looked away. Angel's eyes showed love, flirtation, and tenderness. Y/n's showed embarrassment, kindness, and some joy. Alastor was walking back and immediately Y/n looked at him with a big smile.
"Ally!" She jumps up from her seat and runs over to Alastor to hug him.
"Ah Y/n! You missed me that much?" Alastor chuckles as he pets the top of Y/n's head.
She twiddled her thumbs as she mumbled a quiet yes. Alastor smiles even more as he leads Y/n back to their seats. "Great, it's you" Angel hisses, looking away from him.
"It's a pleasure to see you too Angel!" Alastor had one arm around Y/n, almost in a protective way. Angel moved himself to where he was on the other side of Y/n; There he put his hand in her shoulder.
The two demons looked at each other with envy, obviously there was more going on than what Y/n herself knew.
She looks up and speaks in a innocent voice, "why are you guys looking so mean at each other?"
Angel's heart along with Alastor's melted by her tone of voice.
"It's nothing Elle dear, we like to tease each other" Alastor said in a reassuring tone. Angel nods, "yeah baby, we were just messing with each other."
I am very confused by them. Does Alastor like Y/n? Does Angel like her as well? This is too much for me, I should probably stay around to keep her safe.

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