KageHina (1)

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Kageyama's POV

Practice was running quite smoothly. I happened to be sitting since Suga took my place. But that was when I noticed how amazing Hinata's jump really was. I say there amazed and stunned on how beautiful the jump looked. Not to mention Hinata looked great too. Not that I would admit that.

Coach blew the whistle and called out water break so Hinata and I went outside and talked about a new attack formation. We were nearly done talking about it when I heard a feisty Nishinoya shout at us, "come back inside you lovebirds!" I signed and walked back inside the gymnasium. "Back to watching Nishinoya do his "rolling thunder remastered," I mumbled quietly. I guess Hinata heard me because I heard him snicker at that.

After practice ended

After I packed up all of my things, I walked to Hinata's place with him. During the wall Hinata had looked up at me and said, "do you ever wonder what it's like to fly?" I looked down at him and said, " No, but you shouldn't have to because you already can. " Hinata blushes and looked away. I cracked a small smirk at that reaction.

We walked into his front door and he announced that he was home. "Oh hey Kageyama, I didn't know you were spending the night," his mother said innocently. I nodded and went off to Hinata's room with him. Hinata was turned away from me changing his shirt when I heard him say, " you can either sleep with me or on the couch. Your choice. " I smiled innocently and said "then I choose to sleep with you." Hinata turned at me a d stated with wide eyes. " A-are you serious?! " he proclaimed. "Nah. I'll sleep on the couch shorty," I replied lazily. He spun away, but when I looked closely, his face was as red as a skittle. I smirked and kept his reactions in mind.

I headed downstairs and jumped into the couch. I closed my eyes and sighed. It felt really nice to be able to lay down comfortably after our practice. I sat there for a few moments before I heard Hinata thumping down the stairs. It ended up getting really quiet so I pretended to be sleeping. This is gonna be quite funny.

I heard Hinata start to say something, but then quiet down as he looked at me. I sat there with the best poker face I could manage. I didn't hear anything, but all of a sudden I felt someone's lips crash into mine. I opened my eyes quickly to see who it was. It was Hinata and once he saw me, he blushed and ran upstairs to his room. "Good night!!" He shouted and slammed his door. I sat there for a moment processing what happened.

Once my brain had caught up with reality, I started smiling. I could swear it was getting hot in the room, but I ignored the fact. I was just really happy that shrimpy also has mixed feelings. I signed trying to calm myself down, then rolled over. I decided that once I wake up, I'll leave a small note and leave for school.

But when I woke up, something unexpected happened.

(A/n) Hello everybody. Thank you for being patient enough to wait for this . I won't continue this part of the story for a bit. But when I do you should be able to see it in the title. Next story coming up should be Bokuto and Akaashi~ I forgot to mention, but the second part of this is more than likely gonna be in Hinata's POV

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