Welcome! What are we?

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What are we? It's a philosophical question, isn't it?

Well, publishing your book, even on an open site like Wattpad, can be challenging. When you look at the competition,  the desire for acknowledgement, and the efforts of everyone else to be noticed, it can also be incredibly isolating as well.  We assume everyone loves writing and is incredibly proud of the world and people they've created or written about. Just like us! 

But, we also want the sense of community amongst other writers. We want interactions that aren't based entirely on gaining 'reads' or 'votes.'  Whether it be fostering friendships or to improving your writing through interactions, games, reviewing works, and getting your work reviewed, we have you covered. 

The Circle of Jerks was a brain child of a couple friends who had met on Wattpad and realized that through their interactions and friendship, it was possible to improve their own writing as well as their enjoyment of the whole creative process. It started in the comment sections of their books, progressed to a thread and then expanded to include a chat site, writing projects, and various books such as this one. 

On the whole, writing is a hobby that is extremely enjoyable to us, but it is incredibly rewarding to help others out along the route as well.  We aren't about numbers. In fact, one of the founding members could go on for days about the negative psychological effects of the 'social media' format of Wattpad.  But they won't (Honestly, they may if you comment here and ask really nicely to hear their rant). 

Anyway, suffice it to say that our belief is that everyone has a story or a message to share with the world, that as authors we have a responsibility to speak out about the things in our hearts and use our craft to make the world better for listening to us and that one person having a meaningful connection with your writing is a thousand times better than all the temporary highs of sporadic 'likes' and disingenuous 'reads.'

We're friends. We're a community. We're Jerks.

Basically, we're jerks, but we're supportive.  

We're mature in our emotional and social intelligence, but sometimes incredibly immature in our sense of humour and pursuit of silly, fun stories. 

Some of us are social butterflies and others are better off left alone. (Don't poke the bears!)

At the end of the day, we just love writing. We love sharing our stories and reading others. We love the whole world of literature in it's many forms!  And, we think that an open, online based publishing site like Wattpad can be a force for good. 

So we're kind of like growly, jerky, book heroes. 

And you can join us!!!

Welcome to the Circle of JerksWhere stories live. Discover now