Social Chats

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We have a social chats on the Wattpad Forums as well as on Discord. You're welcome to join one or both chats. We'd love to see you around there, but please keep a few things in mind:

First, these are not places to advertise your work. We have ways for you to get involved and improve your work while getting some exposure for your writing. The forums are not the place for this. Instead, the forums are where we chat and unwind with our online friends.

Second, remember to remain respectful of everyone at all times. The Circle is an inclusive place where we discuss a wide range of topics from everyday life issues or basic writing woes to problems of gender and society or ethics and warfare. 

There are bound to be disagreements and differences of opinion. That's life. We all come from different backgrounds and different experiences, which means we view things differently, and while we always welcome healthy debate, the chats are not the place to belittle others' opinions or beliefs. For more, see the 'Rules for Joining' section of this book. 

Finally, sometimes our chats cover mature content. That's not the only focus of the chats, but sometimes conversation turns that way. Just be aware that our conversations will not always be 'pg.'

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