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Sea patrol

Season 1 episode 1

I was standing in between my two best friends john and billy now known as jaffah and spider we all joined on the same day I knew spider way before i knew jaffah me and spider have been 2 peas in a pod since kindergarten we know everything about each other (well maybe not everything if you get what i mean anyway) we met jaffah when we enrolled in the navy and been close ever since

Buffer was yelling clear as each one of us cleared our weapon i could tell spider was getting sea sick then the xo yelled clear for buffer

"Slew out board" charge said as they pulled the rhib out then he said as they were lowering the rhib into the water "down on one" then as buffer was saying "holsters. Check primaries and secondaries" we put our guns in our holsters, we started walking towards the ladder to get into the rhib i was behind jaffah he said to spider "mate do us a favour mate",,,"don't throw up in the rhib on your first day" jaff was laughing and spider was standing with his hand to his face to the side then another one of my friends not so close but getting there ET said "lay of jaff" i walked over to spider and rub his arm jaff moved to the side to let someone climb down the ladder ET said "you've only been at sea half a dog watch yourself" i looked at jaff annoyed "yeah ya hypocrite" "come one spide you can do it i know you can you trust me" he nodded then i said "good now trust me when i say you can do it" i was about to walk off then i turned back around and said "but he is right don't throw up on your first day" i hit jaff then went down the ladder in the rhib i sat down next to buffer i looked up and heard jaff say "well four weeks is a long time in the navy" and i saw him hand spide a bottle of sea sick pills poor thing they don't work then ET said as jaff came down " he yanking your chain mate they don't work" "thanks jaff spider yelled and downed some of the pills the xo and spider started talking quickly then came down and we went off for the vessel

As we were on our way to the vessel the xo said "what is that foul smell" "trochus shell ma'am they rot out the fish to get at the shell" we eventually got to the boat the xo went one leg over while I grabbed the railing and jumped over like how the boys do it just shows how different we are at this we walked to the crew x threw up over the side buffer was in front and started telling the crew to "stop there stop their sir" the crew were laughing at x throwing up over the side the smell was gross but it didn't bother me spider went up to her and said " I've got some sea sick pills here ma'am" ET softly moved them out of the way and said to spider "see told you they didn't work" x asked buffer to find the master for her, while they were trying to figure out why they were fishing in Australian waters me and the other search the vessel i went to check the paper work with one of the other crew members, i came back and x was trying to talk to them but she threw up again, i gave them the paperwork and then went over to help ET and jaffa and the others help keep the crew in check while x was radioing the CO

X came back and said "buffer? Two men to stay on board" he looked at ET and jaffah and told them to stay on board i started to laugh a little "good experience for him ma'am" buffer said then walked off as x was walking by him she said "yeah well four weeks is a long time in the navy i guess" I patted him on the arm while laughing then said "good luck" I started laughing cause he looked nervous and I started laughing a little a walked back to the rhib and got in.

I was laying in my rack looking up at the roof and started thinking of my parents then the co came around the corner and i sat up cause i got nervous then he said "relax" while holding his hand up "you know you and spider did the exact same thing" he said while laughing a little i looked at him and smiled " yeah well we grow up together practically did the same things i never really was into the whole girly stuff i did a lot of the boy sports and stuff like that" he smiled "i heard you did very well for your first boarding party considering your parents taught you a lot about this world" i looked down smiling while thinking and then said "i only try to make them proud considering" " i know" he said the thing is mike Flynn was extremely close with my parents he ended up being like a second dad to me and after their deaths he was a wreck he still hasn't told me much be he has told me enough to know that my parents were very high in this community apparently they would take me on the ships they would work on a i would meet sailors and apparently everyone loved them you could say they were celebrities here well before they died and i was there celebrity daughter everyone knows who i am i know it may sound creepy but trust me its not its like a giant family anyway enough talk about my parents, Flynn looked at me and said "your parents would be really proud of you i know i am" he said in a fatherly tone i smiled "thank you" he smiled and then walked off

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