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Author's POV

Minji turned back towards the girls, "You wouldn't believe what's happening!"

The girls' looked at her once again, "What? Are you just finding excuses to keep up away from our oppas?"

Minji rolled her eyes at the female's comment and pointed at the window. The school girls eyes followed to where her hand was pointed and they screamed in terror, making the group of boys look out the window. They too, let out a small shriek of terror.

Minji immediately started to prepare herself for what was coming. She looked through her bag for anything useful and didn't panic while all of the other school girls were panicking and evacuating the classroom.

Her eyes once again looked out of the window to see the number of those cannibals multiplying.

As she was counting how much snacks she had left in her bag, one of the boys from the group was also panicking.

Minji pulled out a handgun that her father gave her, she didn't have to use it at all. She turned towards the boys.

"If I were you, I'd stop screaming."

The male stopped what he was doing and walked up to her, shaking her shoulders, "Our Maknae is out there! We need to go get him!"

The brunette's eyes widened, "We need to hurry then. First, we need to make a plan, then we'll take action from there."

She got out a blank piece of paper and a marker. "Tell me, where is this boy located? Is he in this school? How old is he? Is he smart enough to hide and try to call you?"

She continued to spit out questions, worried over a boy she haven't even met!

The male began answering her questions as she made out the plan.

Minji then realized something, she never got their name.

"What's your names?"

The male who was answering her questions earlier introduced the group as Bangtan and said each and everyone's name.

The brunette stayed quiet and nodded, trying her best to remember the face and name.

After their introduction, she introduced herself.

"Hello, I'm Minji and we need to put our plan in action if we want to get out of here and save this child!"

She grabbed her bad and handgun along with a pointer stick. The boys looked at her as if she was stupid.

"What? This is all I could find." She shrugged it off and peeked out of the classroom door to find terrified students and teachers in the hallway. It seems to be that the doors that lead to the stairs are either blocked, or locked by one of the staff.

"Okay, here's what we're going to do: First, we're gonna make our way to a teacher and take the keys. Next, we'll make our way to the stairs, but quietly.
Then, if there are any of those horrid monsters, we'll fight them off. Lastly, we'll make our way to my truck, got it?"

Everyone nodded in approval of the plan and she smiled slightly, "Okay, everyone, stay together. We also need to find some weapons for you guys."

All the boys began to search for weapons. Jin chose a pan that he had kept in his bag. Namjoon broke the stick off of the nearest broom, making the edge jagged. Yoongi, who was off the charts hot, broke a leg off of a desk. Hoseok tore a pair of scissors in half and attached each half to two different sticks. He handed on of the makeshift weapons to Jimin. Taehyung grabbed his lucky metal bat that he kept with him at all times.

Minji opened the classroom door and walked up to a male teacher, distracting him as she told one of the boys, with her eyes, to steal the keys. Jimin quietly tip toed behind the teacher and swiftly stole his keys from the teacher's back pocket. Jimin walked away, trying his best to not seem suspicious and Minji finished talking to the teacher.

The rest of the Bangtan boys and Minji followed Jimin to the locked door that leads to the staircase. He unlocked the door and prepared himself for what he was going to see.

Surprisingly, the staircase was empty and eerily quiet. Minji, who was beside the boy, slowly, and quietly, walked down the cases of steps.

One by one, each boy followed behind one another, anxious to what's going to happen if they mess up the slightest.

Jin's phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out of his pocket and checked the notification and almost cried when he saw the contact name, "Jungkook" in the top left corner of that notification. He unlocked his phone and messaged Jungkook that he was on his way. Jin slid his phone back into his pocket and continued to make his way down the stairs.

Once they made it down the steps, they could hear the groans and moans those monstrous creatures produced. It made shivers go down each and everyone's spines, including Yoongi.

Minji quietly opened the heavy door and winced once she heard the high pitched squeak that sounded from it. She turned towards the creatures and saw one looking straight at her- no, straight through her!

She covered her mouth, holding back a scream. The hideous creature didn't do anything and turned around, minding it's own business.

Minji turned to the boys and whispered to them, "They can't see, but I'm sure that they can hear us. So we have to be cautious in every move we make. Try not to go too slow, we have someone to save."

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