Chapter 8

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I'm back! Suprised? Well you shouldn't be...okay maybe you should :K.

Alrighty time to uncliff the hanger. (I'm terrible at jokes )


(Jasper's Pov)

I ran back to Washington, and soon I was in Forks.  A little bit later,  I found my self standing in the back of Bella's house, right where her bedroom window is.

Goodness this girl has me wrap around her thumb.

I felt myself stuck in place. All of a sudden, I felt like I couldn't  go through with it.

Maybe I shouldn't,  because I'll do something I'll regret.

"I want our mate"

Oh goodness no.

"Lets go, I just want to hold her for the night"

Oh it sounds so tempting.

"I want her to have my scent, that way they'll all know she's mine"

I felt my self walking towards the tree in front of her window. Climbing up the tree, on to the branch.

Where I could easily open her window...

(Bella's PoV)

After eating and having my goodnight reading of vampires.  I fell to sleep easily.....

Something heavy is wrapped around me. I tried to move but it wraps around me a bit tighter, not to hurt me, but just so I won't leave.

What's that smell? It smells so good. I want to to get closer to it. Something warm?

I haven't felt like this in a long time. I want to stay here forever. Lets move closer to the warmth.

Something hard? What is it? It's poking me, but I don't really care.

There's something on my neck, it feels good though. It feels light as a feather.

It's down my arm, it's soft like a feather gently caressing me. It traces all over my body, but avoids my breast.


The smell stands out. Its familiar. Where have I...?

Oh...whatever this is it feels so good...I want more...

(Jasper Pov)

Oh God, she feels so good. I laid there with my arms wrapped around her. She tried to wiggle from my grasp but I couldn't let her.

After a moment she took a deep breath and scooted closer to me.

I growled softly in approval, my teeth sharpening. Want to sink into her flesh, taking what is mine.

Not to long, my little not so little friend decided to make his appearance.  And here I thought I was doing a good job on the self control.

Bella reached back moving her hand to see what was poking her, and ever so gently her hand slid over me.

I hissed at the instantly pleasure I felt. I knew my eyes were black as night. I had taken a risk...hopefully it wouldn't cause me to lose my mate.

I calmed down enough, and began to lightly trace patterns on her skin,  but never going as far to touch her womanly assets.

Bella tried to move even closer. And I let her.

I want every night to be like this. I want her to fall asleep in my arms. I shouldn't have to sneak in her room while she's sleeping.

This was below me. I'm a fucking feared vampire. God of war and yet this beautiful human has me wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even know it.

I look up and noticed that the sun was beginning to rise.

A night well spend.

I heard another heart beat enter the house. And a few curse words.

Charlie. And he was coming towards Bella's room.

I quickly untangled my self from Bella. And jumped out her window, using my telekinesis to shut the window behind me.

Once I landed on the ground I was met with a very unhappy Alice and Edward.


"Before you tear me up, I swear I can explain " I said slightly backing back.

"Save it, little brother." Edward said as he grab my arm.

I sighed, I could easily break free but whatever was coming my way, I deserve it.

"Yes, you do" Edward said dragging me along.

Damn mind reader.
Kinda of a random stop, BUT aren't you guys proud of me. I updated back to back.

*Pats myself on the back* Yay me!

So you know what to do, read,comment and vote.

Let me know what you think!

Anyway that's all for now.


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