8. The Wave Country II

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It all started when Kiba stepped in a puddle. He started making a scene while everybody else knew it was way too hot to have that puddle even there, Gaara sharply spoke.

"Kiba you fucking idiot. Release." Gaara said and Naruto pulled Tazuna ahead. Gaara hands were covered in blue chakra ,as one man ran to Gaara, the other to Kiba.

"Tch, leave one alive Gaara." Sasuke said and Gaara snorted.

"I'm not an amateur, I've done this before." Gaara sliced muscle of the brother, and soon he wasn't able to walk, Kiba snapped the others neck and Shikamaru walked to the one who was still alive.

"Tell me what the hell is going on?" Shikamaru said and Naruto hummed and turned to Tazuna.

"You mind tell me what the hell is going on?" Naruto asked nicely, but Sasuke watched Naruto, he could tell that he wasn't in the nicest mood at all.

"I'm poor, well the entire wave is." Tazuna started and Naruto hummed.

"Gato came to the wave not too long ago and started leeching the resources, started taking the food, killing the life there, as well as making the farming ground barren. The only way to save the wave is to build the bridge, and at first this was a normal C-rank mission." Sasuke folded his arms.

"Well what changed?" Tazuna sighed.

"On my way to the leaf, I heard that Gato has hired him some ninja's, but I knew I couldn't afford an A-rank mission. I just lied and said that there was still bandits, even though he escalated to A-rank Ninja's." Neji came over and hummed.

"This isn't a simple mission anymore." Neji said and Tazuna nodded.

"I apologize." Tazuna said and Shikamaru walked over.

"This is an offense and the leaf village could have you arrested." Shikamaru muttered

"Please, I have a daughter. And a grandchild." Tazuna pleaded

"We have every right to abandon this mission, and I'm ready too." Kiba said and Gaara spoke.

"What do you want to do Naruto." Naruto looked at Tazuna and turned back to his team.

"We send a letter to the Hokage, I however will continue the mission, those who don't want to can leave." Gaara smiled.

"I'm in, we've faced worse." Shikamaru sighed.

"It'll be troublesome, but I'm in." The Nara's looked to team seven.

"I'm in." Sasuke said folding his arms.

"Same." Neji said and Kiba looked at everybody before scoffing.

"Fine, I guess I'm in." Naruto rolled his eyes.

"Nobody is making the puppy stay, if you are in too deep, you can leave." Gaara said and Kiba rolled his eyes.

"I said I'm in. I'll write the letter." So Kiba wrote the letter and Sasuke sent back to the leaf village with Ran his bulldog.

"Let's continue, Formation F." Naruto said and everybody nodded, and once they started walking again, the brothers were a lot more animated.

"Kiba you are a fucking idiot. Are you serious?" Gaara spoke and Kiba rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, you think you know more than me!" Gaara snorted.

"That's because I do."

"Shut up Nara." Neji said and Shikamaru smiled.

"I'm just asking if you came to terms with your feelings? If you said you'd love me right now I would not judge you." Neji scoffed and folded his arms.

"You are like a bug. Fly away Shikamaru." Shikamaru smiled.

"I'll fly to you how about that."

Naruto was quiet, as he walked next to Tazuna. Sasuke was worried, Naruto was always animated, more than his brothers, it was kind of depressing not seeing him laugh and smile.

And that was in no circumstances Sasuke admitting his feelings for the blonde Nara.

"The boat isn't going to fit all of us. One of us will have to stay back." Naruto smiled, but it was fake.

"I can walk on water, and so can any other ninja here, don't worry Tazuna. When I said you were in perfect hands, you really are." Naruto said and Tazuna breathe a sigh in relief.

As the approached the water, Sasuke decided he should walk on the water, even though Naruto was adamant about him walking.

"You don't look too good." Sasuke said and Naruto scoffed.

"I'm perfectly fine walking on water to shore, you chakra control isn't all that, you'll slip and fall in if you aren't paying attention." Naruto said and Sasuke shrugged.

"Sit in the boat, and I'll focus on not dying." Naruto rolled his eyes and stepped on the water, Sasuke did the same, a little wobbly but he did.

"I don't need to be protected." Sasuke snorted.

"Believe me Naruto, we all know you don't." Sasuke said as he started walking, Naruto folded his arms and followed after, while Gaara hung over the boat.

"Ugh, I should've walked." Kiba hummed.

"Sea sickness?" Gaara rolled his eyes.

"No I'm leaning over this boat for fun, I'm dying." Kiba sighed and just rubbed that back of Gaara, Gaara smiled. It was soothing, and then it happened, Gaara barfed all in the sea.

"Kami I hate my life." Gaara said throwing up again and Kiba only rubbed his back.

"You are an idiot." Gaara said and Kiba rolled his eyes.

"Hurry up and puke your guts out!" Kiba replies and Gaara chuckled and went back to throwing up.

Shikamaru folded his arms, he looked at Neji. Neji was his mate, that remnant demon chakra in him was the proof, but Neji didn't want anything to do with him and that was annoying.

All he wanted to do is be snuggled into Neji.

"Land." Neji said and Shikamaru rolled his eyes and stood, grabbing Gaara because he was sea sick, and stepped of the boat, onto land, Neji wondered what was up with Shikamaru.

None of his usual flirting, and he was silent the entire ride. Once the Nara's were on land, they felt such strong chakra, he was waiting for them.

"There am enemy waiting, we shouldn't separate because of Tazuna. He a strong opponent, three of it would have to fight him." Gaara said and Naruto nodded.

"Let me see exactly who he is, then I can tell you who will be amazing to fight him." Naruto nodded as Team seven and Tazuna caught up. They walked into the land, as more of an overwhelming presence was felt. He was trying to suffocate them with his chakra.

It wasn't working, he was just wasting chakra at that point. There was a noise in a bush and Kiba tossed it at the bush to see a white bunny, in the middle of summer. Shikamaru ears clicked and he yelled.

"DUCK!" Naruto Tackled Tazuna down while everybody else ducked, there was a man that landed on the sword that was stuck on the tree.

"The Nara brothers, flee on sight when seen together, but separately you are only B-class Shinobi." Naruto hummed and Neji spoke.

"You three are in the Bingo booked?" Gaara nodded and Shikamaru spoke.

"Zabuza Momochi, A-Rank Ninja, you seem to be missing your B-rank companion." Shikamaru said and Zabuza laughed.

"He's resting, now whos fighting me and who's protecting the bridge builder." Naruto chuckled.

"Shikamaru, Neji, and Gaara. This man is all yours, Me, Sasuke and Kiba will watch Tazuna."

The three nodded and stepped up, Shikmaru unsealed his sword and licked his lips.

"Let's do this Zabuza, let's see who'll survive."


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