Chapter 2

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Time~ 9:20 AM

Rippen was sitting in his office and chewing on a pen when he decided it was about time to go check on the hoodlums. He walked out of his office, across the hall and into the open library. When he saw the students, they all had their heads down on their desks, and they appeared to be fast asleep. "Get up!" Rippen screamed into the silence. No one budged. He decided to try a different approach. "Who has to use the bathroom?" He asked and every student raised their hand without moving. "Well ha, you can't go!" He exclaimed. "You know what people say; There's no restrooms for the wicked."

Penn slowly raised his head from his desk, "I don't think that's how that saying goes," he said with a smirk. "Quiet, Carrot Top!" Rippen snapped back at Penn. "Geez, time of the month?" Sashi mumbled under her breath.  "I heard that Zero!" Rippen yelled. "That's next Saturday!" Penn just put his hands up in mock surrender, "I swear I didn't say anything sir." "Yeah, it was her!" Max said, pointing at Sashi. "Hey!" Sashi said in anger. "Ms. Mayfield and Sashi, next Saturday for you two as well!" Rippen said. El gasped quietly. She narrowed her eyes and stared at Rippen. Penn looked at her in intrigue.

"You know. I had a sudden change of mind. No detention for the three of you." Rippen said, looking surprised at what he just said. Penn raised an eyebrow at his art teacher and looked back at El, who now looked a bit stiff. Rippen shook his head and went back to his office. Once he was gone, El slumped back into her chair and a trail of blood run down her nose. "Jesus! Are you okay?" Penn asked in concern. "Don't worry. I have them sometimes." El said, wiping the blood off with her hand. "Did I get it all?" She asked. "Not quite. Here, let me." The redhead boy said and used his shirt sleeve to clean up the rest of the blood from below her nose. "Thank you, Penn." She said, blushing a bit. "No problem, El." He then turned to Max. "Hey, Thanks for defending me." "It's nothing. And, um, sorry if I sounded like I was throwing you under the bus, Sashi. I wanted to defend your friend." Max said to Sashi. "It's alright. Sorry, PZ." Sashi said to her friend. Penn just shrugged, "It's ok Sash, it's not your fault Rippen is a major asshat." El giggled. "Language, Tony!" She said in a deep voice to try to impersonate Captain America. Every laughed for a bit.

Sashi smiled, "I have an idea,"she said. She then preceded to get up from her chair and walk over to the library door, which was wide open. She peeked out and saw Rippen in his office with his back turned away from the door. She then reached into her bra and pulled out a screwdriver, with it, she unscrewed a nail from one of the hinges in the door. When she was done, she shoved her screwdriver back into her bra, and quickly returned to her seat and sat down, trying to look as innocent as possible and Max gave her a quick thumbs up, which Sashi returned. Before they all knew however, Rippen was marching back into the library, a look of disapproval on his face. "Who closed that door!" he screamed. Everyone just looked around and shrugged. Was it you?" he yelled and pointed at El. The girl shook her head. "Not guilty." She said. "I believe a screw fell out sir," Sashi said smugly. "Who took that screw out? Was it you Penn Zero?" Rippen yelled once again. "No sir," Penn stated, "Doors, like people, are not perfect." "Amen." Max praised.

"Fine then! Wiseman, get up! Help me move this bookcase in front of the door!" Rippen ordered. Boone then rose from his seat and went over to help Rippen pick up one of the smaller bookcases and move it in front of the door. Um, you can't do that." Everyone quickly turned to the front of the library and saw that El was the one who said that. "And why not?" Rippen asked, the bookcase already in his and Boone's arms. "Because, it's a safety hazard," the girl continued, "If you use that bookcase to hold the door open, it will block the entrance. Which means if there is a fire we would have trouble getting out, and we all die." "Ugh, she's right. Boone what were you thinking? Some wise man you were!" Rippen snapped and they put down the bookcase. He then ushered Boone back to his seat. El rise from her seat and slammed her hands on the desk. "Hey! That was your idea! Don't rag on Boone! He was a great wiseman, whatever that is!" She yelled at Rippen. "That's a Saturday for talking back, Ms. Hopper! Do you want another one?" Rippen asked. El said nothing and just glared at him.

Penn saw in intrigue as Rippen's eyes widened. Wait... was Rippen... scared of El? "You know, I change my mind. I'll be in my office. Don't make me come back here to yell at you." Rippen said and left for his office. El smirked smugly and sat back down. "Damn girl, you nailed it!" Max said, giving her best friend a high five. "Yeah. You made him actually afraid of you! You're an official legend in my book." Penn said as he gave El a high five of his own. "Thank you. Never thought it'd work though." El said. "Well it did. I'm so proud of you." Max said.

"Hey. Thanks for helping, El." Boone said. "It's no problem. When a friend needs assistance, we provide that assistance." El preached turning to smile at Penn, who smiled back. Penn couldn't help but to like that smile of hers. It made her so pretty. And that laugh of hers, it was like music to his ears. He wasn't going to lie to himself. El Hopper was a really pretty girl. Hang on. Hopper? But wasn't that... "Hey. You're last name is Hopper, right?" He asked her. She nodded. "So you're dad's the police chief?" She nodded again. "Wow. The daughter of the police chief in detention." Sashi said. "What? Like your friend said, no one is perfect." El said.

Penn quietly chuckled, but couldn't believe himself anymore. "Oh god. I think I'm in love with the Chief's daughter." He thought to himself. He looked at her and stared at her beautiful body.

Oh sweet Mary, he had it bad.

And meanwhile with El...

"Oh god, I think I'm in love with this boy." She thought.

Okay, Penn Zero was cute. No, he was actually really cute. No, he was actually downright handsome. There was something about him that drew El to him. He had that cute chipped tooth smile, those beautiful blue eyes that reminded the telekinetic girl of the sea, and that heroic personality that made El want to both fall into his arms and join him to save the day. And she had to face it, El had a thing for Penn Zero for a while, ever since after Christmas break. Ever since Mike broke up with her and declared that he was in love with Will, she was single and was looking for someone to love. And Penn just happened to be that guy.

But, let's face it. He didn't even know she existed until today. Plus, what would he say about her powers, the lab and the real reason why she had a nosebleed. Penn would probably freak out, like in those insane dreams she's been having lately. How would Penn Zero love her? She looked at his handsome body.

Oh sweet Mary, she had it bad.

Unknown to the both of them, Max, Sashi, and Boone were smirking at him. They gave each other a look and nodded.

"He totally likes her." Boone thought.

"She totally likes him." Max thought.

"They're totally going to end up together by the end of detention." Sashi thought.

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