Chapter 4

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Time~ 1:05 PM

Lunch was served!!

It wasn't a five star meal, but hey, mash potatoes and bread was good enough for the group. And so, the five kids ate in content.

Well, except for El.

The brunette telekinetic was just poking her mashed potatoes with a fork and took a only two bites of her bread. "Hey, El. You okay?" She heard Max ask behind her. She turned to face her friend, and gave her a smile. "Yes." El said. "Are you sure? You've barely eaten anything." Penn asked with an raised eyebrow and a concerned look. "I'm fine." El said. "El, you need to eat." Max told her best friend. "Guys! I'm not that hungry, really!" The brunette said, losing her patience. "Okay, fine. Whatever." Sashi said, paying her attention back to the food. El sighed and took one more bite out of her bread and a spoonful of mashed potatoes, and that was all she ate.

Penn and Max looks at the girl and then each other and gave worried looks. Something wasn't right here. "Has she normally been like this?" Penn asked in a whisper. Max shook her head. "She's been like this ever since two months ago." She whispered back, and gave a sigh. "I'm worried." "Yeah, me to." Penn said.

After lunch was done, the normal silence was brought back. Of course, though, it was naturally broken by another student.

"So. What are we going to do about this essay?" Boone asked. It seemed like they were deer caught on the headlights of a car. "Shit!" Sashi hissed. "Totally forgot that." Penn said. "Okay, don't worry, we can do this. Let just right one from all of us. Like in the movie." El suggested. The others nodded in agreement and they all met up by where Penn and El were. "Okay. So Max has the best handwriting out of the two of us. What about between you three?" The brunette girl asked the Dream Team. "Penn." Sashi and Boone immediately said. Penn just shrugged. "True." He said. "Okay, let's see who has the prettier handwriting." Max said.

After doing some tests, Penn ended up being the one to write the essay. "Okay. So how do we do this?" Penn asked, grabbing the pencil as the others stood around him. "The same thing as the teens did in that movie. Some sappy letter telling Rippen that we are our own person." Max said. "Okay, But how do we put that in one thousand words?" Sashi asked. "I might have an idea." El said, sitting down next to the redhead. Together, over the span of 15 minutes, they had the perfect essay. "So what are we? We are... a hero." Penn began. "A sidekick." Sashi continued. "A wiseman." Boone added. "A mage." El said. "And a zoomer." Max finished. "Should I even ask about those names?" Penn asked, not looking up. "No." Both girls said. "Okay then. Sincerely yours..."

"The Rebels." Max suggested.

"Yeah. I like that. The Rebels." Penn said and put the pencil down. "And, we are done." He said, cracking his fingers. "Okay, So we finally got the essay done. Now what?" Boone asked. El looked around as saw Rippen getting up from his chair in the office. "Shit! He's coming. Everyone sit down." El said. Everyone scrambled and made it to their seats just in time for Rippen to come in. "What are you kids up to?" He asked them. The kids just have him blanc stares. The older man sighed. "Very well then. I have to speak to Larry about something. I'll be back in a little while." And with that, the man left the library.

"Well, that wasn't that bad." El commented. "What do we do now?" Penn asked. There was a small silence. Max got up and went over to Rippen's office. "Max? What are you doing?" Sashi asked. "Looking around." The redhead girl called from the office. Max looked around and saw a record player sitting on the desk. She smirked and saw a bunch of vinyls stacked up on the floor. She chose one and placed it inside the record player, and Queen's Breakthru was blasted through the library. Max came out of the room bouncing as the music picked up the pace.

The others got up and joined the redhead girl on the dancing, letting out their frustrations of the day as they do. Well, except for El. The brunette was content on just sitting on the desk and giggling at her friends silliness. Penn went up to her, a smirk on his face as he did. El knew what he was going to ask and spoke before he did. "I don't dance. Never learned." She told him. "Well, good for you that I do. Come on, just trust me. It'll be fun!" He said, extending his hand to her. El looked to be deep in thought before she shyly took his hand. "Okay." She said. The boy smiled and pulled her off the desk as they joined the others.

About a minute later, the rest of Max and El's friends came over and joined them. El giggled as the redhead boy took her by the hands and the two ended up jumping up and down. At one point, El accidentally tripped on one of the chairs. She gave a yelp and went down. Luckily, a pair of hands grabbed her arms and pulled her up. "Woah! Are you okay?" Penn asked with concern and amusement in his voice. El nodded, a bit surprised on how strong the boy was, despite his skinny form. Also, it wasn't till now that both teens saw how close they were.

Penn had his arms around El's waist, having pulled her way more closer to him than needed to. Meanwhile, El had her hands laid against Penn's chest, feeling his stomach and felt his heartbeat. Hang on, wait... "Penn. You have a four pack?" El asked in clear surprise. "Yeah... I've um, been through some crazy stuff." "Well, it must've been something really crazy because you are jacked, man!" The brunette said, causing both of them to laugh. El looked up and both teens immediately blushed upon seeing that their noses were  almost touching and their lips were at least 3 inches apart. (😉)

The two turned their heads to look away. "S-Sorry about that." El stammered a bit. "Oh no. It's no problem." Penn said, scratching the back of his neck. The two let go of the embrace and just stared at the floor, occasionally glancing at each other. "Bro, did you two nearly  kiss?" Dustin asked. "Shut up." Both Penn and El said at the same time, now blushing in embarrassment. The rest of the kids smirked at each other. They were well aware that El had feelings for Penn, and it seemed that he returned those feelings, but both were too shy to say something. "Guys! We gotta go. Got word that Rippen is coming back." Will said. Mike, Lucas and Dustin nodded. "Well, see you guys later." Lucas said. "Remember, one hour left. You can do it!" Mike cheered as he grabbed Will's hand and they snuck out of the library.

Max rushed over to Rippen's office and turned off the record player and at thing back to where the were. Everyone rushed to their seats and not even a second later, Rippen slammed the door open. El jumped, again, and Penn quickly squeezed her hand, again. "Sir, can you please not do that with the door? This is a library after all." Penn said with a British accent that sounded legit for once. "Woah." The other said. "How do you do that?" Max asked. "Hush, Mayfield. And does it really look like I care, Zero?" Rippen asked, looking annoyed. Penn bit in his tongue to prevent himself form getting either him or the others getting into trouble. Rippen sighed an told the kids that'll he'll be back and need to talk to Larry again and left.

"Hm. Rippen and Larry. Lippen, or Rarry. I can see it happening." Boone said, shrugging his shoulders. The other nodded and murmured in agreement. Penn and El liked at the clock.

2:00 PM

Almost done.

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