Chapter 3

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Time: 11:50 AM

All was silent and peaceful in the library for almost three whole hours (mostly because everyone was trying to fall asleep), but since all good things must come to an end, the silence was ruined momentarily by a restless student. "I have to go to the bathroom!" Boone groaned out. "Ugh, Boone can't you hold it? At least 'til lunch?" Sashi asked him. "I can't wait that long Sash! Lunch is like a bajillion hours from now!" Boone whined. Sashi and Max just rolled their eyes. "I kinda have to go to too Sash," Penn said. "Well, what do you suggest we do, oh wise and powerful leader?" Sashi deadpanned to Penn. Penn just shrugged. "Leave that to me." El said.

She grabbed her small bag and reached inside. After a second of rummaging, she pulled out what looked like to an ear piece. "Where did you get that?" Boone asked. "Dad's office." She said while putting it on. Then, she pressed the button. "Dustin, come in. It's me El." She said. A short silence. "Hey, bud. We gotta use the bathroom. We need you to be our eyes. Can you do that? I'll get you doughnuts after detention." She said. Another pause. "Great thanks." She said and stood up. "Let's go." Everyone nodded and stood up as well and made their way to the door.

El then proceeded to peek her head outside the library door. She heard a faint whistling noise and turned his head to the left and saw Rippen walking down the hall. She opened the door a bit wider and beckoned for the others to follow her up the hallway and around the corner. They all silently filed out, and tried to run as fast as they could up the slippery school hallway without falling over. The door loudly clicked shut behind them, causing Rippen to turn around and look up the hallway, but he didn't see anything there, so he just shrugged, turned back around, and continued walking.

The kids reached the bathrooms and went their separate ways.

With the girls, El went to the bathroom quickly and was now waiting by the sinks. "So... you don't have a thing for Penn?" Max asked from her stall. "No! He's not my type!" Sashi said, coming or of her own stall and went to the sinks. "But he's mostly certainly El's type." She said with a smirk. El blushed hard. "No!" She immediately said. "El, don't deny it," Max began, coming out as well. "You loved that boy ever since we entered our second semester this year." "How did you-" "I'm your bestie, El. I know things."

"Ugh. Okay fine. I love Penn, okay?!" El said. Max and Sashi squealed. "I knew it! You two would make an awesome couple!" Max said. "Yeah, but what about, Well... you know what?" "What?" Sashi asked. "Long story. Anyways, Penn seems super understanding. I'm sure he's not gonna freak out." Max said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Okay. I'll tell him after detention." El said, finally giving in. Max and Sashi smiled.

The girls came out and so did the boys. "Everyone Good?" El asked, and the rest of them nodded. Under Dustin and El's guidance, the students quickly ran back to the hallway with the library door, but when they reached the corner, they saw Rippen at the end of the hallway walking back up to his office, with his head in his phone. The students stopped abruptly and started running back to where they came from. They passed the bathrooms, and continued running straight until they reached the hall with all of the lockers, where they stopped to catch their breath. "How are we," Sashi huffed, "Gonna get back to the library?" "I guess we have to go the back way. Through the cafeteria," Boone suggested.

Without thinking, the gang quickly started running again, heading towards the cafeteria. When they got there however, what they saw was not what they were expecting. "Ugh! The doors are locked!" Boone groaned. "Guys I'm really sorry, I-" "Hey buddy, it's no prob, we'll figure it out," Penn reassured his friend by patting him on the shoulder. "But now we're all gonna get in trouble," Boone whined. Penn thought for a second, "Not all of us, just me. You guys just get back to the library as soon as you can," Penn ordered. El hurriedly rummaged her jean pocket and pulled out another ear piece. "Here. My friends will guide you to another way." She said, handing him the object. Penn quickly put the ear piece on and pressed the button. "Anyone there?" He asked.

"Penn Zero. Can you hear me?" A voice of an African teen male was heard. "Yeah." "Good. I'm Lucas Sinclair. Let's do this." Penn nodded and with that, he began to run back through the halls. After a minute of Penn running around the halls and singing the song he and Boone made for cowboy dinosaur world loudly, Lucas's voice was heard again. "Turn left, and you'll see my friend Mike there, he lead you to our hide out." "Got it." Penn huffed and made a sharp turn to the left. There, he saw a tall teen around his age with black raven hair. "You Mike?" Penn asked. "Yeah. Quick, in here." Mike said and pushed them both inside a storage room. There, he saw three other boys his age, and a pair of older looking teens. One was probably Lucas, the another had brown curly hair and wore a cap. Probably Dustin. And the lad one had to be Will.

Looking around, he saw that the room was filled with security cameras. Wait, did these guys take over the security office?! "Okay. Quick intro. The African American is Lucas Sinclair, bet you already knew that. The cap wearing guy is Dustin Henderson, and the guy with the bowl haircut is my boyfriend Will Byers. And these here are Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley, they're helping us out today. Everyone, Penn Zero." Mike said. "Welcome to the club." Robin said, nodding the the redhead boy. "Hey." Penn said.

"Here." Steve said, giving the big a bag. Penn looked inside and saw clothes inside. "What do I do with this?" He asked. "Go to the corner and change into these." Steve said. "What?!" "Kid, if you want to win El over, you gotta look hot, not handsome." Steve argued. "What?! What makes you think I have a thing for El?" Penn asked, blushing furiously. "Dude. You're blushing." Dustin said. "But, I- Okay fine! I love El, okay?!" Penn finally admitted. "Good. Now go change, and hurry." Mike said.

After changing, he went back to the others. "How do I look?" He asked. Penn was now wearing a white button up shirt, blue jeans, white adidas sneakers with black stripes, and a brown jacket with a black collar. (In other words, Joe Keery's outfit in the Ferris Bueller Dominos commercial.) "Dude, as a gay teen, you look hot! And I'm sure my sister will think the same." Will said. "Sister?" Penn asked. "Yeah. His mom and El's dad are getting married in July." Mike said, and Penn nodded. "Anyways, time to send you back in." Lucas said. "Right. Thanks for the help guys." Penn said in gratitude, before rushing out the door.

Under the guidance of Lucas, Penn was able to sneak back to the library. Once he was close, the door opened to reveal El, who smiled widely at him. Penn quickly thanked her and they rushed back to their seats. "Here." He said, giving her back the ear piece. "Thanks." She said, shoving it into her pocket. Suddenly, Rippen bursted inside, startling El again. Penn, making sure Rippen wasn't looking, gave El's hand a reassuring squeeze. El blushed a bit, but shook it off quickly. "Something wrong, sir?" Max asked for the group. "No, just checking-" Rippen stopped as he saw Penn.

"Why do you have different clothes?" He asked him. "We have him a makeover. This is his new style. What do you think?" Max asked. "Hmm. Okay, I'll admit it, you look actually decent for once." Rippen said. "Also, I hope that essay is going well." He added and went back to his office. "Oh shit." El began, giggling. "What?" Sashi asked. "We're totally in that one 80s movie. The Breakfast Club." El said, causing everyone to burst into silent laughter. "Holy shit. You're totally right." Penn said. "Yeah. Like you're new look. Really handsome." El said. "Oh, thanks." Penn said, blushing.

He glanced back at the clock. 12:25 PM.

Almost there.

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