Chapter Six

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The creature wiped it head around to see a teenage boy. The creature grunted at him, as the boy walked over, linking arms with the fearsome creature. The boy giggles like child and they disappeared from the room in a flash.

I run into the dinning room to the table, pushing both of us behind the tabel. I open it as quiet as velcro can be, grabbing one of my books. Book 2 and quickly looking through it for anything about this creature.

"A book is not gonna help us in this situation, Zachary." She snapped, at me.

"Learn to be quite, you really are loud." I said.

Nothing but spells made in my mothe sloppy handwriting. I closed the book in a rush, and placed it on the floor next to Angela. she was about to pick in up but I slap the back of her hand away. I picked up another book labeled three skimming through it. Nothing but creatures, I already know off but are not the creature we are looking for. I grab the last book.

Please be something.

It hard to read, in the lighting of the room and even with the spell on my eyes. It was my grandfathers chicken scratch, writing.

No one in my family had the best handwriting.

Page after page. Nothing. I was about to close the book when on one of the last few pages.

08-05-1968~ Possible Haunting: Rosewood, TX

After killing a small pack of werewolves and getting the information

I needed. They said check new york or chicago, there were more packs. When I was there I discovered a house on Oak Avenue, that was recently boarded up for the towns protection. I asked around about that house. The Mother supposedly killed her entire family in 1932 with an axe from there shed and then killed herself with the axe, But i've seen the police reports and saw the photo it was not the mother. It was there son most or all of the evidence was pointed to him. His behavior in class changed he bully his friends and there was a report of him breaking into the neighbor house and killing their pets while talking to himself. Everowner of the house has gone missing, or was found tied to a chiar died of a supposed heart attack. Listen to the ghost when they tell you to leave. I almost died, leaving Chandra all alone.

Left note in basement.

God i'm an idiot, I need to pay more attention I can not leave Chandra ever again. I hope she will forgive me, one day....

~ Bradley Nole

I smile at that. My mother told me this story, of the haunted house. At least I have an idea of what going on with the house. The ghost are not in control of the house, it was the creature. I closed the book and picking up everything, I placed it all in my bag. I saw the creature outside the door frame, of the dining room.

"Come on, I wanna play." The creature sickly voice boomed through the house, it loud footing echoed the halls, with small foot steps clicking along.

"My sunshine, My only sunshine" the voice sung low and calming but extremely happy like a little boy.

"You make me happy when skies are gray you never know dear how much I love you." he stopped and waited a second. The creature moved slightly.

"So don't take my sunshine away." The creature voice sung the last part quietly, but sweetly sounding almost human-ish. Angela grabbed onto my arm.

"I missed you. love." The boy cheered happily.

"You see me every night." The creature spoke as the exited the room together smiling.

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