CHAPTER 6 The ice depot

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"I think we're here" a.c. said as he crawled out of the girl's mouth. They saw an empty town filled with houses riddled in bullets. "huh, I thought it would be more of a stabby stabby killer instead of a dadadadadadadaadadadadada killer." Kat said. "whatever we should just get the ice and leave" a.c. said. "yeah, but we should be careful." she replied as they walked into a house. As they walked down the steps into the basement, they heard dripping. "eeww it smells like poor in here" a.c. said used to the life a pop idol (even though they were retired at that point). They went deeper and heard muffled screaming.

They then stumbled into the basement and found it. A dripping cocoon. underneath it, was a broken wheelchair. It made their souls hurt to look at. "Should we open that thing?" Kat says "ummmmm heck to the naw, there's screams coming out why would we open that thing" a.c replied. "it might be human though" she debated "ok ill open it" a.c. says as he summons [ B I G T I M E R U S H] red scarf to open the cocoon. As it opened a surprisingly low amount of slime falls out along with a person.

The man falls out and says "th-thanks you for saving me, you can call me Carson, my stand [G A N G S T E R S P A R I D I S E] knows everything so I can help you as much as I can please adopt m- I getting carried away, what are your names." "whoa whoa whoa you mean you know everything" Kat queried "yes its part of my stand also I can't walk please carry me mommy" Carson said "umm no" a.c. said as he used the green scarf to repair it. They walked (rolled) out of the house into the town. Then "WATCH OUT MOMMY" Carson said as he pushed Kat. "why did you do tha-" Kat said as a bullet grazed her face. As Carson looked into the direction of the bullet, he announced his plan. "I knew that bullet was coming with my stand, so now reveal yourself hidden assailant, BLING BLING BOY"

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