Prologue: Past and Present

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A long time ago (years), there was a filly of red skin and black mane, who lived in an orphanage, one day, it was the day she was going to be a friend for the first time, or at least she set out to do, and to greet him, she carried with her a paper flower, she waited for time to go to the park and have fun, and when she arrived, she saw other foals playing with the ball, with the rope, running from side to side and speaking everywhere, but she noticed one that looked some pony different of others, it was a colt with yellow mane and purple skin, who was reading a book and in absolute silence, she thought it was a good idea to introduce herself to him and for not distract him, she leave the flower at his side, hence the colt turned in the direction of the paper flower, and then returned to the reading, and left the filly with a broken heart and left, leaving the flower where it was.

Years later, that filly grew up in a strong and cold-hearted earth pony, wearing a black hood that covers her face and was on an icy mountain where she sang a song in a low voice:

- ???: thanks to you my life is a misery

Why do you still on my way?

the failure is mine, the success is yours

My heart doesn't beat anymore

I sing a song from highest skies

I know you can't hear me

You with the smile, me with the sad

Friendship I forgot what is that

(out of nowhere opens a magical portal on front of her that is not known where it leads)

I do not want to seek for a revenge

I'm looking for something else

I seek to recover what you stole from a start

And continue without ever turning back

Soon a light will attack you

And stole what on one time you once had

They are not revenge things are things happening

These are the consequences of life little pal

(enters the portal and is no longer known about it, from that moment)

What happened to her is unknown, but she promised that pony that broke her heart to recover what she lost and it wasn't because of the flower, it was actually something more important in her life.

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