Chapter 4: what the hay just happened?

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When we arrived at the library we investigated each book and after a couple of hours we discovered nothing of a spell erases minds, and there was already one book left, Silverstream took the book and worried, it was a plumbing book, when it showed to us I reminded my friends of my alternate time-line, but also when Silverstream showed us the cover, she saw a small door behind the book, we opened it and there was another book one that said on the cover "my diary, owned by Ruby Funny", It wasn't locked, so we decided to open it and started reading:

"Day 1: It's my first day of school and I'm excited to make real friends and I hope they don't reject me like in the orphanage...

Day 187: I've met some very special friends, creatures and a pony that can change shape and use magic ...

Day 199: I just want to say something, is it normal to be sad when the only one who comes to help you is the one who caused it? ...

Day 242: I have decided to leave school, I no longer feel like it was before, I started my life alone, but I will not end alone, I will have to recover my friends by getting rid of who I take them off ...

Day 363: find a very strange artifact, a necklace that allows me to create anything and manipulate it, find it in a cave with a scroll that said about something special, the stick bent right on the next page ...

(* the scroll *)
In the past there was a pony called Rival Friend, who had a brother named Heart Friend, Rival could create and manipulate things, while his brother, could be transformed into any creature, they were a great team together, one day Heart had disappointed everyone for not trusting others and wanted to fix this in a way, only that there was not, until he discovered a spell to erase their memory, he knew that doing what did not happen would be of no use, Heart did not want to learn it, for the good of his friends, but it wasn't the same thing that Rival had in mind, when Heart saw what his brother did, he tried to convince him to stop and return their memory, but to Rival and the power to control things, even the minds of others to his taste corrupted him and suddenly I face him and luckily Heart was the one who won, so that there are no problems in the future, he stole the artifact from Rival without him noticing and hid it in a cave where he would never find it, his artifact on the other hand was protected in a chest that only a friend who would be responsible for joining their friends until the end of time, but Rival promised something to Heart as a prophecy, that the next one who has his artifact will be whoever he hates more to the chosen one of the other device and will defeat him in a battle and show that he can control everything and make a better world, Heart knew how serious the matter was, so he went to Starswirl the bearded to see how that could be avoided happen, but he told him that the prophecies do not lie, but if he knew that artifact well, there was a hidden power that would give him an advantage for the battle, but he never told him how that was activated and it was also a theory, that that will have to Seeing the next one that has the device, if you have come very far here, it means that it is time to take revenge on who took what you most wanted at all costs, nobody stops you ...

Day 465: the time has come, I have created a spell to travel to other lines and I will use it to tear apart my opponent's heart, step by step, and when I have already captured it and it is in my trap, he will feel alone and that your friends will left behind, I will begin to create the second time travel spell and prevent it from ever being in my way at some time in my life, forever ...

Nothing will stop me, not even a giant monster

I will fulfill the prophecy, which will end the victory

he leaves me very alone; no friend is really that I know

Well, he took everything from me, but I will get it back

My cry will hide, and my plan will finally begin hurt

A lesson I will give him, and it will make him feel what he had done to me

No one came to help me, I will return everything to normal

Well, he took everything from me, but I will get it back..."

(I close the diary)

-Gallus: so that was what she used to kidnap us

-Fast: the artifact is not what interests me most, but what her journal says

-Silverstream: so what happened to ...? ohh, I was in the friendship school with one of us, ohhh ok, which time-line?

-Gallus: who is she? that's the question

-Fast: Well, it may sound weird, but I had a friend who left friendship school one day, her name is Ruby Funny, just like the one in the dairy, when I met her, it was when everyone wanted to be my friends, she was excited and very happy, but every day I saw her more and more sad and even more alone, I tried to comfort her, but every time I tried she walked away from me, and she left one day, we missed her at my school for weeks

-Silverstream: well, everything starts to make sense, and with other questions, but it's something, well since we know it was, we have to remedy it in a way, but first we have to order all this first, we don't want to leave traces

(We started to store the books in reverse alphabetical order, when Silverstream was about to save the plumbing book)

-Fast: Wait! (Silverstream stops and looks at me)

-Silverstream: What happens?

-Fast: is that book brings me good moments from my friends

-Gallus: if we have seen it recently, in fact, we have not actually opened it

-Fast: (with a little sad face) my friend told me about that book every slumber party she organized and had fun talking about it... and with this puzzle that we are solving, it is the only thing that makes me remember those times before I fall into this Moral jail, believe me you guys look like other creatures, when they have the physical appearance of my friends

-Silverstream: well, it seems that it is not bad to know who were your friends in your time-line at this point, it will help us with a piece, in fact, talking about what worries you will relieve you, believe me, it worked to my brother

-Fast: I have almost 20 friends and everyone i met them differently, are Sandbar, Silverstream, Gallus, Smolder, Ocellus, Yona, Autumn Blaze, Cozy Glow, the cutie mark crusaders, etc., all cool guys, but here, friendship is split in two, literally

-Gallus: ohhh, that should explain why you're not happy to see them separated here

(I move my head up and down as a sign of yes)

-Silverstream: well, in summary, Ruby Funny seeks revenge towards you, brought you to this different world where there are people who have brought from other time-lines that have the artifact too, do not remember what they were and separate them into 2 groups where nobody wants know about the other...

-Fast: but I don't know what happened to make me drop all this, what have I done to make this chaos?

-Gallus: well, as we have seen first we must remind them that they were in the past, and find it wherever it is

-Fast: (walking to a window) but it could be anywhere and on any other line ... guys, you might see this

What I saw in the window was a red castle very similar to the school, with black fabrics outside about half a kilometer away, the strange thing is that I had never remembered that it was there, I also saw it was surrounded by hooded creatures I could recognize at first look, but about 7 met in coming from 2 directions and they took off the hood, it seemed that it was me and my friends, but from other time-lines too, which led me to conclude that she also I kidnap some more so that they are by her side, but seeing them together, it has given me a great idea to rejoin the 2 groups

-Fast: I know how we can do the first step, but we will need to do it now, I will integrate into both groups and group them accordingly in the morning and there we remind them that they went and ask them to help us and stop Ruby just in time

-Gallus: good idea, and if you need anything we will be for you and do not worry, I promise we will return home all

-Fast: (smiling again) thanks

And so, we start everyone's return home ...

Fast and Ruby at the end of a stageWhere stories live. Discover now