A story about my dream life :)

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There I was sitting at my desk working on paper work and then my phone rings.


"Tony its Jane I need you to come down to the police station" So I hop in my car and drive down to headquarters.

"Jane what's wrong are you hurt?"

"No but your not going to like what I have to show you." So me and Jane walk down to the autopsy room where we see are good Friend Dr. Isles.

"Maura whats going on"

"Tony this morning we got a call that we had two lady's murder by Fenway Park and we think you might know who they are can you take a look."

"Sure" So I walk over to the bodies a look and I am in shock.

"How could this happen I thought they were in San Francisco"

"Tony, baby, its going to be OK do you need to call anyone about this"

"Yea I need to go call Cindy and Lindsay"

"OK" So I go out side of the autopsy room and make the call every cop hates making.


"Hey Tony whats up"

" Is Lindsay with you"

"Yes she's right here you want to talk to her"

" I need to talk to both of you guys can you put the phone on speaker"

" OK your on speaker Tony"

"Lindsay, Cindy, I have some bad news for you guys"

"What is it Tony"

"Claire and Jill did you guys know they where here in Boston"

"Yes they where on vacation"

"Well I am sorry to have to tell you this but they where found dead by Fenway Park"

"What are you sure it was them"

" I am positive are medical examiner Dr. Maura Isles did the autopsy and ran finger prints and asked me"

"So what do you want us to do"

" I need you and Lindsay to come to Boston"

"OK" So I am at the airport waiting for Cindy and Lindsay to get off the plain and I get a call.


"Tony, its Maura"

"Maura whats going on hold on Cindy and Lindsay just got off the plain can I call you back"

"Yes just make it quick"

"Hey guys how are you hold up"

"It will be fine I guess"

"I need to make a call so can you guys wait here"

"yes" so I called Maura back



"Maura whats going on"

"Tony you need to come to the hospital"

"Why whats going on"

"Hoyt he came back"

"What happened to Jane"

'He shot her and then stabbed her multiple times"

"Is she still alive"

"Yes but the doctor does not think she will make it"

My Dream Life that I wish I hadWhere stories live. Discover now