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the end of infinity is approaching,
you unravel your fingers from mine,
milky caramel clouds scowl down,
as you kiss me our final goodbye.

our little solace has ended,
tears seep out of my heart,
Oh, I'll never be mended.
even a doctor can't sow you back alive.

as you slowly walk away,
everything we ever had begins to fade away.

rain begins to prickle my shoulders,
bare without your embrace.

aren't infinities meant to last forever?
is the cord you wrapped around my heart meant to unravel?
will this lonely night ever brighten again?

will the pain ever receed?

i take one last look at your dark silhouette, thinking about the infinity we had.

oh, darling, my, it felt so short.

but, alas,

infinities come to an e n d .

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