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"where did you get that headband?" bambam asks yugyeom on monday when he sees him next. they didn't get to see each other on friday night because bambam stayed the night at jackson's. he doesn't even know how yugyeom got home.

"i don't know but i like it," yugyeom says, tugging on it to adjust it a little bit.

they talk about their nights at the party, although yugyeom has much less to say given that he was wasted most of the night and woke up in jinyoung park's bed (and no jinyoung was not in it too and he was fully dressed, including the headband he is wearing today).

bambam explains what happened with jackson and yugyeom isn't very happy. he 90% sure it's going to end in bambam falling for jackson even harder and jackson not being gay and he doesn't want that for his best friend.

"you're so stupid, sometimes!" yugyeom shoutes at his best friend, "what if you go through all this, get super attached, and he realizes he isn't gay?"

they're at yugyeom's where he can yell at bambam for the dumb decisions he's making.

"i said i'd help him! you don't think i know it's dumb? i do! but i don't care, yugyeom!"

"bam, just make sure you don't hurt yourself," yugyeom says sweetly, hugging his best friend because he really wants what's best for him.

bambam nods because it's not like he's proud of falling for a guy who might not even be gay or bisexual, but he can't help it.

"so when are you hanging out with jackson next?" yugyeom asks. they sit on yugyeom's bed so they can have a calm conversation about it. yugyeom knows telling bambam off isn't going to help, it's just going to make him upset.

"tomorrow. it'll be our first 'date'," bambam told him, letting yugyeom grab his hand and lay down with him.

"you're an idiot, bam," yugyeom says softly and with love behind it because bambam is still his best friend, even when he makes dumb decisions.

"i'm just trying to be optimistic. it's not like i think this will be perfect but maybe if i'm lucky stop being so dumb and realize he's obviously not straight."

"hopefully," is all yugyeom says softly, looking over at bambam whose face is a little hard to read.

"i really like him, gyeom. i know i seem dumb but i really do like him."

"i know. it's okay. i know you're not dumb. you know yourself. i love you."

"i love you. i don't know what i'd do without you."

"straight" : : jackbamWhere stories live. Discover now