Little Star [Tae x Fem! Reader]

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The rain strikes the ground, forming puddles that block the sidewalk. That did not matter right now, as MC kicks the puddle, water soaking her socks and shoes. She breathes heavily, legs numb from the cold and fatigue. Running straight into another puddle, she flinch as the water sprinkles onto her face. MC slows down and stands in the middle of the empty sidewalk. Breathing in the freezing air, she shudders violently, feeling drops of water slide down her face like tears. She can see her breath, small clouds that disappear into nothing. She stands up, and begins to jog down the sidewalk.

Knocking on the door, MC rubs her shoulders in a desperate attempt to warm herself. Finally, the door opens, and she let's herself in. Unlike the outside world, it is warm and comfy inside the house. "MC! What are you doing? Isn't it cold outside?" A tall girl asks, taking the coat of MC. "O-Tae! Eh-It's fra-freezing outsuh-side!" The shorter one trembles as her teeth chatter, hugging the taller girl. "Oh. I can see its raining a lot outside. Come on. Take of your shoes, they're wet." O-Tae smiles and disappears into another room.

"Mmm...the tea is so good and warm. I want another." MC mumbles, hugging the blanket close. "You haven't finished that one yet." O-Tae smiles and sits down next to the girl, sipping her own tea. A fluffy white ball jumps onto the couch, settling onto MC's lap. "Oh! Hello there. Hey, O-Tae, where are the others?" MC asks, searching for more white fluff. "Huh? Oh, they're probably in my room huddled in their cage. Why?" O-Tae asks, glancing at the girl curled up tightly. MC unwraps herself from the bundle of blankets, and runs up the stairs. O-Tae watches as MC disappears. She couldn't help but think that MC runs exactly like Nezuko, from Demon Slayer.

O-Tae soon follows, climbing up the stairs to her room. MC lays silently on the floor, white balls of fluff surrounding her. "O-Tae, they're gonna sacrifice me." MC says in a deadpanned voice. Her face breaks into a wide smile. O-Tae smiles back, laying down next to MC. "Oh no. I've been caught as well." O-Tae says, mimicking MC's cold tone. The white bunnies move around, and surround both of them. It would be funny if they started circling them, chanting in some unknown language, O-Tae thought. Meanwhile, MC thought it would be terrifying if that happened.

MC smiles unable to dit still. "Wooo!! Come on, O-Tae!" MC cheers loudly, waving a fist in the air. The tall girl hums, and strums her blue guitar. An electric sound graces the air, astounding the young girl. MC's eyes shine brightly, twinkling like stars. An idea formed in O-Tae's head. She started playing what at first sounded like random chords. Then MC started humming along. O-Tae smiles, and sways along to her electric guitar, and MC's humming.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky

When the blazing sun is gone
When he nothing shines upon
Then you show your little light
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night

MC paused, and let out a yawn. "Hey, O-Tae-chan, do you mind if I sleep over for tonight." MC asks innocently, rubbing her eyes lazily. O-Tae hums and nods. "Sure, let me get you a sleeping bag." O-Tae smiles as MC exclaims in happiness. It always made O-Tae giddy, and MC's laugh is so contagious. "Thank you, O-Tae!" MC yawns again, and smiles tiredly. "I'll make you some warm tea for the morning, okay?" The tall girl smiles, placing her blue guitar on the stand. O-Tae's stomach churns at the thought of waking up with MC close by. She couldn't hide the smile that spread across her face. "Hey, MC, wanna live together?" O-Tae asks suddenly. "What!?" MC replies in surprise. 

"Eh? I didn't say anything."



"Yes, I want to live with you forever." 

O-Tae stops at the door, hand on the handle. "Really? Forever?" O-Tae asks, facing the shorter girl. MC nods her head without hesitation. "Just you and me!" MC states, blushing ever so sightly. O-Tae smiles and walks up to MC. With a swift movement, O-Tae had MC pinned to the wall. "Haa~!?" MC exclaims in surprise. "Good, I'm glad. I would pretty sad, otherwise." O-Tae smiles, her green eyes shining brightly. MC blushes viciously, ducking her head. "Shut up, giraffe." MC mumbles, looking away shyly. "Whatever, my little star~." O-Tae smiles and pecks MC's soft and red cheeks. "Kyaa~! O-Tae!!" MC blushes even more, scarlet red like a rose. "Hm, pretty." O-Tae compliments, wrapping her arms around MC's waist. "Hmph! Fine. You get hugs." MC wraps her own arms around O-Tae's head, running her fingers through the black hair reaching O-Tae's waist.

"By the way, you have a pretty voice." O-Tae says as she tightens her grasp on MC.

"Of course, I used to be in choir! And thanks, O-Tae." MC replies softly, burying her face into O-Tae's neck.

"You should sing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' when we sleep tonight."

"No! Tha-that's embarrassing."

"Hm, that's unfortunate. I thought you were my little, twinkling star." O-Tae teases.

"Eerrr, okay~! But only because I want to be your star." MC mumbles melting into O-Tae's warmth. "Well, should we go to my room?" O-Tae offers. Many thoughts and scenarios crossed MC's mind, including sinful ones that should not be described here. "Mm, okay. Let's go! I wanna see the rabbits." The shorter girl replies, not wanting to let go. "Follow me, my little star~!" O-Tae exclaims.

And during the night, as O-Tae lays in bed, she nods asleep to the sound of MC's voice, as she sings 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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