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     This is our territory Thunder Clan Kit , stay back. "I don't want to make a fuss", says a small Thunder Clan Kit, a few fox lengths away. "Then leave" says a Wind Clan cat, looking very irritated with this small Kit. No my Clan needs food we're starving in this harsh leaf bare. "He said stay back", another Wind Clan cat says with clumpy white fur and bright blue eyes. No! Slowly the Wind Clan cats start huddling around this small Kit. "We said leave or die, your choice". Then I choose die, for my Clan! The Kit plunges out of the huddled cats around him and starts sprinting toward Thunder Clan. The huddled cats chase after the him, the cat in front is huge with broad shoulders and a huge neck. The young Thunder Clan Kit looks back toward where the cats were, but there gone. He turns back toward Thunder Clan, but in front of him are two huge paws. The cat with the broad paws says, "then die" and bites the young Kits neck, knocking the Kit right to the ground.

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