Chapter 10

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     Hey, Fire Pelt! Yeah Wild Heart? Nice warrior name, thanks. I like yours too, and ah...I need to talk. Yeah, you can tell me anything Wild Heart. We're friends right. Yeah off course, come to think of it there's something I need to tell you too. Both, I like you. They both pause, wait in what way, Wild Heart asks. you, Fire Pelt mews with an embarrassed look on his face. I've been waiting to tell you that since we were kits. I....I love you too Fire Pelt. They stare awkwardly for a minute, Meadow Pool and Hawk Tail standing at the warrior den entrance in shock. Wild Heart licks Fire Pelts cheek, Fire Pelt embarrassed looking at Hawk Tail and Meadow Pool at the entrance nuzzles against Wild Hearts cheek. I'm  happy you love me, I'm happy you love me too.

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