Chapter 9

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     Hey Lunar Paw, Wild Paw meows. How are you. Good, we get our warrior names in just a minute. Oh yeah we should probably head up to sunstone. Yeah!

"Five minutes later". Okay today we have 6 new warriors to be granted there warrior name. Lunar Paw, Meadow Paw, Dark Paw, Wild Paw, Fire Paw and Pine Paw. First we will have River Clan leader Frost Star come up to give Lunar Paw her Warrior name. Lunar Paw you have been a great apprentice to Ripple Pelt, showing him there can be fun during training and times to be serious to. This why your warrior name will be, Lunar Shine. Lunar Shine, Lunar Shine, Lunar Shine, the Clans chant. Next up will be the Shadow Clan cats. Lone Star may you please come up and give them there warrior names, yes. Meadow Paw please come up, you have shown me and your clan mates that even apprentices can tough things out. Make it through hard training and even lie in your own blood. Gasps come from the Clans, yes Meadow Paw did get hurt recently while catching prey. She fell off a tree and got scraped up but she is fine now. This is why your warrior name is, Meadow Pool. Meadow Pool, Meadow Pool, Meadow Pool. Next can Dark Paw come up here please. You are a great hunter and a great friend, and your black pelt describes you nice and fierce, that's why your warrior name is, Dark Pelt. Dark Pelt, Dark Pelt, Dark Pelt. Next can Wild Paw please come up. You are a great friend and will be a great warrior, you help your friends when there in need and it is great to see that you are proud off who you are. That's why your warrior name is, Wild Heart. Wild Heart, Wild Heart, Wild Heart. Next can Fire Paw please come up. Fire Paw you are great to everyone around you and the first to except Wild Heart for who he is. You are great at battling and your ginger pelt says it all, your warrior name is, Fire Pelt. Fire Pelt, Fire Pelt, Fire Pelt. Next may Owl Star come up. Yes, Owl Star mews. Pine Paw please step forward. Pine Paw you are great cat, you dealt with your mom dead when you were born and your dad leaving and becoming a kittypet. You are fast and a cat can roll with the flow. That's why your warrior name is, Pine Breeze. Pine Breeze, Pine Breeze, Pine Breeze, the Clans Shout.

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