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At the bottom of the long staircase, they crossed a wide living room. There were several paintings and and sculptures depicting the history of century plus-sized old ranch. It was not the formal type of living room she had expected in the home of such a wealthy family.

Leading her through the foyer to the porch, where Rakhi sat. She smiled when she saw Preeran coming down together.

Rakhi: I see Karan found you ready to come down. Would you like a juice or a glass of wine?

Preeta: A glass of Passion fruit juice would suit me just well.

Karan: I will get it. Just sit wherever you like.

He released the hold of her arm and headed to the table where the cook had organized a bucket of ice and several varieties of drinks.

The moment Karan left her side, it felt as if though the tornado travelling beside her had subsided, at least for the time being.

Drawing in a slow breath she took a seat directly across Rakhi. She had hardly sat down to talk when Karan returned with her drink.

Preeta: Thank you.

Karan: My pleasure.

He took a seat beside her.

Karan: I have mixed some lime and blueberries.. I am sure you'll like it.

She took a sip of the drink. A jolt of lightning passed through her. Her father would have loved it. But then she chuckled. He drank only alcohol ever since that incident.

Preeta: It's delicious.

She could feel more than see Karan watching her.

Karan(promptly): So, tell me about being a private investigator? Have you always wanted to be in this sort of job?

She turned her gaze on him which she wish she hadn't. He had such striking features that getting attracted to him was an understatement.

Preeta: No.. I was 22 when i first when into law enforcement for the police department. I remained on force for 4 years. Then i had an office position in Rangers. I worked there five years more before i decided to finally get myself in personal buisness.

Karan: So what made you interested in this proffession? Followed a relative?

Preeta would have laughed if the reality of her family wouldn't have been so sad. Her father had fought his own demons while trying to work in a family buisness and then her mother who fleed from one man to another in hopes of finding happiness.

Preeta: None of my relatives have been in law enforcement or any sort. I just happened to find it interesting. I decided i wanted to help people find their lost loved ones. Most of my cases are about missing people.

Karan: Well, Preeta, My father is hardly missing. He's in the Luthra cemetery lying with the other relatives that have passed on.

Preeta: Karan, I said i mostly work on these cases, i didn't say that i worked on these cases exclusively.

Rakhi: Unfortunately, My daughters Kritika and Ruchika aren't here this evening, but Karan has promised to keep them informed. They too had doubts about their father's death just like me.

Karan: Well, Mom.. We all had doubts about Dad's death. But i decided to believe the police. They concluded that a heart attack contributed to his drowning. Why can't you accept the findings? What can Preeta do that they've already not done?

Rakhi: I'll tell you what.. She can look into all the weird things your father was going through just before he died.

Karan: I was right here in the living room.. I don't recall anything that weird going on.. He was just a little stressed.. That's it.

Rakhi: Look Karan, After your father's Death, me and your sisters knew that something was there that was troubling him. Maybe he was engaged in some wrong doings. And now with me becoming a part of Aashish's life.. I need to know what was up with him.

Her remarks clearly disturbed Karan.

Karan(angry): So you think Dad was doing something wrong.. Great!!!

Rakhi: I am sure.. Mahesh was an honest man.. But we have to know what was wrong with him.

Karan: That won't bring him back mom..I can't see the point in digging up something painful from the past.. I am going to check the supper. You two can carry on.

Before Preeta or Rakhi could say a word, Karan left.

Rakhi: I am really sorry for his demeanor.. He usually doesn't behave that way.. He usually believes in let the sleeping dogs lie. Let me go and talk to him.

Preeta rises to her feet before Rakhi and pats her shoulder.

Preeta: If you don't mind, Can i talk to Karan? It might be easier coming from a outsider than a relative. I know what he needs to hear.

smile, Rakhi gestured towards the front door of the house. She took off with hurried strides.

She reached the kitchen to find Karan talking to someone.

Karan(angry): She's upsetting the whole of the family and..

Not wanting to be an eavesdropper, she coughed. Karan turned and smiled seeing her.

Karan: Looking for something?

Preeta: Yes for you..

Preeta noticed a black-haired woman standing there with an apron. Rakhi had told her about Hattie, the cook. The fact that she was seventy two and everyone loved her.

Karan: I am really sorry i left the hall abruptly.. But i am not in a mood to discuss the thing about dad now..

Preeta(smiled): I think we should.. Or none of us would be able to have our meals peacefully. And from the aroma of the dishes.. I can't wait to eat.

Karan: All right.. Come on and we'll step along back.

Precap: Conversation

Hope y'all liked this chapter.

@Solesoul26 miss___mystery__17 @Preeran__forever Yeh lo sab rakh lo aur baksh do mujhe!! 😭🙏

Results aaj aane waale hain😌😌

Khushi ❤

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