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Carla: PENNY

Penny: YES?

Carla: ...

Penny: YES??

Penny from the second floor: yes?

Carla: does it looks like im up there?

Penny: damn- *goes down the stairs*

Penny: yes?

Carla: im over here,not there.

Penny: yes?? *walks closer*

Penny: *walks even more closer*

Carla: here.

Penny: i AM here *walks closer*

Carla: here.NOW

Penny is literally an inch away from Carla: am i close enough??

Carla: yes you are

Penny: so what's the prob-

Carla: *kisses Penny for a few seconds*

Penny: *buries her face in her hands while blushing like crazy* d-damn you sneaky loveable bastard-

Carla: heh,that's my new nickname now?

Penny: *hugs Carla while burying her face into Carla's shoulder* hhhhh

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