A Restart?

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I have the goods to drop off for him. As I tread through the loud snow, I hope and pray his sister answers the door. I don't think I can handle seeing him in person yet. I would crumble, and fall apart right in front of him. I didn't want to show him how truly hurt I was, to not ruin things further.

As I round the corner I rest my gaze on the place I dreaded. I mentally and emotionally prepared myself and walked up to the door. Prepared to face this fear of mine I hesitantly knocked on the door. I waited for a few minutes and then the door was thrown open.

At that moment, I felt my heart stop, my blood ran cold. The one person I didn't want to see had opened the door. He looked down on me in disgust. "What the hell are you doing here?" I swallowed hard and opened my mouth to say something when he interrupted, "I thought I made it clear that I didn't want to see you again, you filthy slut." I felt my eyes begin to tear up. No. I wouldn't let him see how badly damaged I was. How hurt I truly was. I had to show that I was fine with the changes made. I presented him with the item I had come to drop off. He just cocked an eyebrow then smirked. I looked up at him in confusion, then it happened. He harshly grabbed my arm and yanked it, pulling me uncomfortably close. He then sneered at me and slammed the door on my outstretched arm.

I screamed and screamed, I tried opening the door again to free my now completely broken arm. It wouldn't budge, he locked it. I frantically looked around for any way to free myself and saw a passerby, I tried to wave them down, but they couldn't see me. I started crying harder, I couldn't get out of this without causing serious damage to myself. I pulled the sleeve of my jacket on my opposite arm, put it in my mouth and bit down. I began tugging.

As I lay here recollecting everything I've ever regretted, on my past lover's doorstep, as I slowly bleed out from where my arm used to be, I begin to wonder, was I ever truly loved?

I had this lovely nightmare last night :) I woke up crying. 

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this, and I'll update again soon-ish 

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