Chapter 3

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":33 > So what were mew two doing last night?" Nepeta asked at the breakfast table the next morning.

"II  told you a thou2and tiime2, Nepeta, we had a grub 2auce acciident!!" Sollux exclaimed, rubbing his temples.

":33 > I know, but what were you really doing?" She said, leaning in closer. Sollux groaned and got up from the table.

"WH3R3 4R3 Y0U G01NG?" Terezi asked.

"II need two 2leep. For liike, a day," Sollux replied. Terezi got up and stopped him halfway up the stairs.

"H3Y, W3'R3 5UPPO53D T0 B3 1N TH15 T0G3TH3R," she said. "4ND 1T'5 N0T F41R 1F Y0U G3T T0 5LEEP 4ND L34V3 M3 TH3R3 T0 D34L W1TH N3P3T4."

"Fiine, whatever," Sollux said. Nepeta squealed.

":33 > 33333333333!!! I ship it so much!!!"


"50LLUX!" Terezi screamed.

"What the fuck ii2 iit, TZ??" Sollux said, coming down the hallway. "Everyone'2 gone, there'2 no need two yell-" he stopped short.

"Jegu2 fuck," he said. All of Terezi's scalemates were lying on the kitchen floor. "How diid-"

"1 KN0W R1GHT?" Terezi cut him off. "4ND TH3 TH1NG 15, 1T H4PP3N3D R1GHT 1N FR0NT 0F M3! 0N3 53C0ND, 1 W45 G3TTING 50M3 5N4CK5 FR0M TH3 FR1DG3, 4ND TH3N, B4M! 5C4L3M4T35."

"We gotta get thii2 cleaned up fa2t. The other2 are gonna bee back any miinute," Sollux said, and they got to work.

"0K4Y," Terezi said, leaning against the counter and wiping a bead of sweat off of her forhead. "TH4T W45 TH3 L45T 0N3." Sollux came and leaned back next to her.

"Thank gog," he said, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

"UM, 50LLUX?" Terezi said, nudging him.

"Hmm??" he said, opening his eyes. "Oh crap."

There, lying right in the spot of where they had just cleaned up all of the scalemates (along with the slime that came with it), was a tiny omen of the worst to come. A little plush version of Jack Noir. Terezi picked it up, just as John opened the door. She hid it behind her back before anyone noticed.

"Hey guys!" John said. "Did you clean up or something?"

"Um," Sollux said. "Yeah??"

"Cool!" John replied. Terezi wiped another bead of sweat away.

"50, W3'R3 G0NN4 G3T 0UT 0F Y0UR W4Y, 4ND, UM, G0 UP5T41R5," she said.

"DON'T BREAK ANYTHING," Karkat said. Terezi's face turned a bright shade of turquoise.

"TH4T'5 N0T WH4T 1 M34NT, K4RKL35."


"Alriight, we 2eriiou2ly have two get thii2 random appearance thiing under control," Sollux said once they entered Terezi's room.

"Y0U D0N'T TH1NK 1 KN0W TH4T?" Terezi replied, putting the tiny Jack on her bed. "1M 5URPR153D TH15 L1TTL3 5H1T D1DN'T P0P," she said.

"IIf you held iit any longer, iit miight have," Sollux said.

"H3Y, W41T 4 53C0ND, WH4T'5 TH15?" Terezi said, pulling a small piece of paper out of the figurine's leg.

"Watch your back2," Sollux read.

"W3LL, W3'R3 5CR3W3D," Terezi replied. "D0N'T Y0U TH1NK W3 5H0ULD T3LL K4RK4T 4B0UT TH15?"

"No," Sollux said firmly. "KK doe2n't know 2hiit. He'2 no leader. We can handle thii2 on our own, TZ. Ju2t becau2e Mr. 2trangeblood call2 hiim2elf leader doe2n't mean we have two go cryiing two hiim every tiime there'2 a tiiny liittle problem."

"0K4Y," Terezi replied. "BUT 1F 4NY 0F TH15 G3T5 0UT 0F H4ND, 1'M T3LL1NG H1M."

"Okay," Sollux said simply. He knew it wasn't going to get to that level... right?


Lucky you for getting two upd8s in one week! (Okay, so I'm not technically verified to use that word, mainly because I'm not a Scorpio, but whatever.)

Bluh, what was I saying? Oh yeah, I want you to let me know how I'm doing on this! I want to know that people are actually reading (and, you know, liking) my stuff, so that way I can find some motivation to update this regularly! And, also, reassurance from my followers would be nice, but who's asking? Not me, that's for sure! Anyways, I think that's it; see you bros on Monday!

-RR123 :o)

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