Chapter 3

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Oh my god guys, I am so sorry for the delay!!! To make it worse I think this chapter is going to be short.. I don't know we'll see.

Chapter 3

After getting home, I decide to go on the internet. My grandparents told me that there was a time where anyone could have unrestricted internet access. Now we have to call into the government saying that we will be on the computer, what address we live at, and how we expect to be using the computer. They say they don't moniter our internet use, but why else would they need to know our address?

After I call in and make sure that no one else is in the living room, I sit down and turn on the computer.

••• Hello. Welcome to the web. Please fill in all of the blanks. Thank you.

What is your full name?

Sarah Grace James

What time is it?


How long will you be on the web for?

30 minutes

Please wait while a representative checks their records.


You are now logged into the web. Have a nice day. •••

Once I'm on, I immediately check my email to see if there have been any changes on my school schedule next week and for any updates to mine and Noah's upcoming engagement. Nothing is our of the ordinary, so I decide to look at Noah's online profile, even though I've already looked at it enough to memorize all of the words. The pictures have more meaning though, and I can't get enough.

When I get to the profiles page, I see that 3 people are looking at my page. The first is my friend Liana, the second is Noah (at which I smile because he misses me, too), but the third person looking at my page I do not know. His hand is Alex, or so his profile said. I figure that we might have known each other when we were little, so I think nothing of it.


"I know that we've been over this before, but you need to review everything since freshman year to graduate! Now, this time without the groaning, please tell me what the contrapositive of this sentence is: 'if x equals 3 times y, then the sum of those numbers equals 28.'"

I raise my hand, the only hand in the air. "If the sum of the numbers does not equal 28, then x does not equal 3 times y."

Our teacher, Mrs Smith, sighs and smiles at me."At least someone in this class knowns how to be helpful."

After class is over I stay around to talk to a few of my friends, but end up leaving fairly quickly. Noah was granted a day off of school today in order to catch up with his family, so I don't feel like being social.

I go to my locker and grab my bag. Just as I am about to close the locker door, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around, expecting it to be my friend Emily who I sometimes walk home with, bit I see an unexpected face starting back at me, one that I don't recognize. He looks handsome, longish brown hair and high cheek bones, but Noah is cuter.

"Um, hello? I'm sorry but I don't think I know you."

He puts his hand on his heart in mock surprise. "I'm offended, Sarah James. I thought you would know me." He lets a look of confusion cross my face before he responds, "Nah, I'm just messing with you. I sit in the back of the classroom in Mrs Smith's class."

I suddenly recognize him. "Oh my goodness, yes! I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. I'm sorry, but I still don't know your name..."

"Alex Ramirez. Sorry for all the confusion. I just was wondering if you and Noah wanted to come to one of the restaurants with a couple of my friends and I tonight, you know, like a last dinner before finals sort of thing. How about it?"

I think about the answer for a second. It sounds fun but I don't know if Noah would like to go. "Um, I'll have to talk to Noah first. It's his second night back and I don't know if he wants to go out. But it does sound like fun, I'll try to convince him." I smile back at him.

"Okay. We are going to go to that burger pace just down the street. Hopefully we'll see you there!" And with that, and a final hair flip, Alex walks away.

It isn't until he's already gone that I realize that he is the Alex that was looking at my profile last night.


Sorry I know it's short, but I have serious writers block!

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 10, 2014 ⏰

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