Chapter 1

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(The picture will make more sense at the end of the chapter)

Sammie POV

Last month I was at the park when 3 men went into my families home and shot them all. I am not sad they died they treated me like crap.

I bounced around in my relatives homes until my uncle who lives in NYC just threw me out of the house. That was last night, now I am trying to find a half-decent place to stay, at least for the night. I was walking down the street when a car pulls over and a woman about early-30s comes out. "Are you lost?" she asks. "No my uncle threw me out of the house last night, and I don't have a place to stay." I say. "why dont you come with me? You can stay at my place until you find some family to stay with. I am a cop" she suggests.  "Can I see your badge and some form of identification?" I ask still unsure of her. "Sure...and smart girl. most kids would just be gullible and believe that I'm a cop just off my word." she hands me her wallet with her shield and her driver license. Olivia Benson. "Okay, I'll go but only if I'm not intruding on your evening." I say. "No you won't be." she says.

I get into her car and drive for about 5 minutes then get to her apartment. When we get into her apartment, she says "Elliot, I'm home and I have a surprise for you." She says happily. "What is-" he stops mid sentence. I tense up. Ever since I lived with my uncle I don't like to be around men. My uncle raped me when his wife was out of the house. He beat me as well. His buddies did it too.

"What?" I ask confused once I stopped thinking too hard. "What is your name?" Elliot asked. "Sammie." I say timidly. He stretches his hand out to shake mine. I flinched. Elliot and Olivia look at each other. He pulls his hand back then frowns. "Let's go eat," We had chicken and French fries.

After dinner Olivia goes to brush her teeth. Being alone with a man makes me shiver. He walks over to the couch and tells me to sit. I reluctantly walk over and sit on the couch, then he asks, "has any one ever hurt you?" "No I just don't like you," I say coldly. We sit in silence until she comes back.

Olivia POV
I know that this girl was raped, I just hope that she'll open up to me or El. But one can only hope.

Sammie POV
When Olivia comes back in Elliot gets up and then they got to the hall. I can hear them saying my name. I get up and look around. In the kitchen, on the fridge is a paper that says. Being abused? Violence in your house? Been raped? Call Olivia Benson!

As I process what the paper means a get a flashback to the last time he raped me.

As I snap out of my flashback I have two arms wrap around me. I thought it was Olivia but then I see her in front of me. I start to fight him because I was so scared that he would hit me.

I wiggle out of his grasp and run for the front door. I hear Olivia call my name. I look back and see Olivia right on my tail. I speed up and just keep running, and running and running.

I am shocked to see Central Park come past me I turn into the park and hide under a bridge. She found me. "Crap!" I take off but she is right on my tail I turn right and I run, I just keep running in circles. I was running and I see a manly figure who I think was Elliot. I look to my left and there is another man. He had light skin and short black hair.

I look to my right and I see a tree. I jump on it and climb the tree. It is a evergreen so I was about 40 feet in the air. Olivia was coming up the tree as Elliot and the other guy were surrounding the tree. After realizing that I have no where to go I stop climbing the tree and sit down on a tree branch. I look out over the park.

Olivia comes and sits next to me. She puts her arm around me and I pull away. Even though I gave up on running I wasn't going to cuddle up to her. As I was moving I slip off the branch and fall. I hit my head on the ground. It hurt like crap. I start bawling my eyes out I hear the other man say," I need a bus at Central Park stat." I was grabbing my head when Elliot came up next to me. I tried to get away but, I couldn't move much. I hear the leaves crunch next to me and I see the other man. I get scared and try to scream for help but it's all air; no sound at all. Elliot lifts my head up and applies pressure. It hurts like crap but I don't want to show it. I finally see Olivia jump off the tree next to me and say, "I know it hurts. We are going to go to the hospital." With that she picks me up but Elliot still has his hand, applying pressure. As we turn the corner I see 2 police cars and an ambulance. When they got me in the ambulance they talked to Olivia for a minute then they put a mask over my face and my eyes got heavier and heavier until I went under.

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