Chapter 2

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Sammie above

Olivia's POV
"I'm tired, Olivia" I hear Sammie say as the doctor checks to make sure she still has a pulse. "Ma'am, we're going to need you to say behind the yellow line." I hear a doctor say. I go to the waiting room and stand by the window. After standing there for a minute I feel a hand on my back and a peck on my cheek. I turn around to see Elliott. "She'll be okay, babe," he says. "I know, she's a fighter," I say turning around looking at the city. "Just like you," he says wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on my head. He moves us to the chair and I sit next to him. I put my head on her shoulder we snuggle like that until Don comes in. "Olivia, Elliot, how is she?" He asks. "We haven't heard anything," Elliot says glumly.

"Family of Samantha Miller?" A doctor asks. "Yes?" El says as he holds me closer to him. "Please come with me," he says

We follow him to Sammie's room. "We flushed her veins for all medicines. Then we ran a few tests to see which medicine caused the hallucinations. She is allergic to morphine. The anesthetic we gave her should ware off soon," he says leaving the room after we thanked him.

I hug El and kiss him on the cheek. We turn around and see a pair of brown eyes looking at us. "Olivia, El," she croaks. "Shh... It's okay we're here," El says going on the other side of her bed. "What happened?" She asks looking at me. "What do you remember?" I ask her. "Don't play detective with me," She says causing El to chuckle. "The last thing I remember is... hugging you guys in the bunks. What happened?" She ask. "You had an allergic reaction to a drug we gave you..." El says. "You gave me drugs?" She asks. "Oh, no it was a medicine not a drug." I correct him. "When can I go home?" She asks felling her head. "We'll go home after the doctors have cleared you. We will go to the precinct in the morning." Olivia says.

Sammie POV
**knock knock**
"Come in," Olivia says. A nurse comes in and says,"I need to check her vitals and fix her IV. I also came to inform you that she will be released in the morning. We want to keep her overnight for observations." He walks over to me and looks at the monitor above my head. "Okay now all I need to do is take your blood pressure then fix your IV and we'll be done for the night." He says grabbing this thing off the wall. He wraps it around my arm and squeezes a little black ball at the end of the wire. It gets really tight then he let the air go and looks confused. "Can I see you wrist for a moment?" He asks. I offer him my left non-broken arm so he can see my wrist. He looks at his watch and about a minute later. He looks worried. "I'll be right back," he announces and runs from the room. "Olivia?" I ask. "I don't know, I don't know anything about this," she says reading my mind.

The doctor returns with a cart and another nurse. A male nurse. The nurse comes over to me and takes my wrist gently. A minute or so later he has the same look of confusion. "What's going on?" El asks nervously. "We can't find a pulse." He says. "And the pulse reader can't find one either." He says. He grabs a stethoscope. "Im just gonna see if I can hear your heart beat." He says. "Can you sit up?" He asks. As soon as I do, I feel light headed, I sway back and forth as he puts the stethoscope on my back. "Sammie?" Olivia asks. "She's not breathing, lay her back down," the nurse instructs. Olivia and El come to my sides and gently lay me back down. I try to inhale but it feels like an anvil is sitting on my chest. "We know you can't breathe we are trying all that we can," the doctor says. He takes my IV out and I start to get dizzy. "We are going to sedate you. We found the problem but we need you to relax." I nod my head and feel a slight pinch on my arm. Olivia is mumbling incoherently. I fall into and sweet and pleasant sleep.

Still Sammie POV
I wake up and feel really bad. Like terrible. Like horrible...I think you get the point. My mouth is really dry and I have a headache.

I open my eyes and see Olivia asleep on Elliot's lap. They are such a cute couple, a married couple that is. They couldn't live without each other. They are the missing puzzle piece in the others heart. (A little Bensler for you😉) I stir around in the bed and Olivia wakes up. She smiles and gets off of Elliot and climbs into bed with me. I lay my head on her shoulder. "How ya feeling sweetie?" Olivia asks while rubbing my back in circular patterns. "My mouth is dry and my head hurts." I reply closing my eyes. "Oh the doctor said when you wake up you can have some juice and he said he'll get you a pain reliever for your head. Do you want some?" She asks. "Yes please," I say sitting up. "Woah there, be careful." She says helping me sit the rest of the way up. "I'm fine mom," I say. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to call you that." I say after realizing what I had just said. "it's okay sweetie. I kinda liked it."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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