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Silver was in the corner, trying to think as she heard arguments from both John and Marcos.

Silver had her hands on the sides of her face, as her body temperature, it was now going down, and emitting a freezing aura the more they argued.

"So we just forget about Lorna? Just because she's behind bars?!" Marcos shouted at John who was pacing at a alarming rate.

"No that's not what I'm saying."

John said, turning around, back to face Marcos, who was clearly scared and angry all at once.

"God only knows what she's going through in there!" Marcos snapped and Silver's temperature, had now dropped even more with the anger that was now rising in the room.

"You're talking about breaking into a jail. Twenty foot walls, with guards... with guns."

John said, and Silver clenched her hands around her head and the other mutants looked over to her, as many of them had begun to shiver.

"We have a way past all of it." Marcos snapped, his arms out wide, and John raised his eyebrows. "Clarice!"

Marcos said, and John shook his head, getting beyond exasperated now. "You saw what she can do!" Marcos said as John shook his head.

"I saw her tearing through the fabric of space. I saw her destroy almost half the building, also I saw her injure one of our best when she was solely trying to help her. She almost died."

John said.

"She's fine now." Marcos snapped. "In your expert medical opinion?" Caitlyn said from where she was standing.

"Well, she's better then she was."

The stubborn glowing guy said.

"Even if she is better then she was, she is not anywhere near ready, to take on what you're proposing."

John said. "Then train her." Marcos said, and John looked at Silver, who was still dropping in temperature.

"What's your thoughts?"

He said, and Silver looked up at him.

"You trained a lot of the mutants in here, including a few very powerful ones John. You can do it."

She said, her voice quiet, and she very clearly wasn't fully into the serious in, conversation.

"You okay?" Caitlyn asks and Silver shook her head, and looked up at her and blinked at her. "Sorry what?"

She said, and Caitlyn held out her hand, and Silver sighed, and gave her arm over to her.

Caitlyn felt her pulse.

"Abnormally fast. What were you thinking about?" She asked, and Silver let out a low growl - like sound.

"I don't think you should push her right now." TJ said, walking over to his twin sister, who let out a grunt.

"I'll train her." John said, and Silver stood up and walked away, upstairs to find Darren.

Instead she ran right into Clarice.

"Hey." Clarice said, and John almost ran right into Silver. "Hello to you too Thunderbird."

Silver said, moving to stand next to him, rather then being a doorstop for him.

"This Lorna chick went to jail saving my ass, I owe her. But it won't work, I can't do anything."

Clarice said, and she tried to use her powers, but it just fizzled out. "See? I can't do anything."

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