eXodus [2]

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Silver was half asleep in the backseat, and Marcos was watching the scenery go by as John drove.

"You okay back there?" He asked, and Silver looked up and nodded. "I hated being in cars when I was a kid, and it, apparently hasn't changed at all."

She said, and he rolled down the window in the back. "Thanks." She said.

"I don't think that anyone wants vomit all over the seats." Marcos said. "What is with you guys?" John said.

"I don't want vomit in the car."

Marcos said. "Well I don't want to get blamed for something I didn't do. So I suggest you stop it."

Silver said, looking green as she spoke. "We're almost there." John said, breaking up the tension, almost immediately in the vehicle.

Silver got out of the backseat, and threw up immediately. Marcos looked over at her, when the noise had been gone a while. "You better now?"

He asked. "Yeah I'm good." Silver said, and stood up, grabbing a water bottle, and gargling some, before spitting.

"You should refill that in case there's trouble." John said, and Silver looked at him. "Way ahead of you Thunder."

She said, and had a backpack full of them. "Well at least we know that we won't be dehydrated." Marcos said.

"Shut up Eclipse." Silver said, pulling the zipper shut, as John led the way to find the Struckers.

Silver gently opened the window, and she slipped inside, and her hands, are always ready for action for fighting.

John came in next, and Eclipse shut the window after he did the same and Silver looked around them quickly.

Caitlyn was asleep on the couch, and when John woke her up, she had a big knife on him. "Easy."

Silver hissed under her breath, and Caitlyn lowered her knife and then a man who must've been her brother came into the room.

Silver looked up, and then just carefully backed up a step so she looked up at John, who stood beside her now, who said nothing, just looking at Caitlyn.

"You brought more of them into my home?" The man snapped. "No Danny I didn't. The only mutants that there are in your house are your nephew, with the other being, your niece."

Caitlyn said, and suddenly John looked up. "Go get the kids Caitlyn now."

He said, and Silver looked out the window. "Five." She said, counting quickly.

"Six out back. And in front there's 7."

John said. "4 on the other side, we are completely surrounded." Marcos said, and Andy came down with Lauren.

"We've got a big problem." John said, and Silver looked at him. "No kidding. Who did you tell?"

She snapped at the man, Caitlyn's brother Daniel. "I never told anyone about you two."

He said, looking at Caitlyn with a pleading look on his face. "I did. I took a picture of a trophy Andy broke... I didn't think he would tell!"

The other boy said. "Scotty..." Daniel said to his son. "It doesn't matter now, any of it. What matters, is getting you all out of here alive." John said.

"All of us." Marcos said, and Silver looked at the group, and she lowered her head, looking at her hands.

They were shaking, but it wasn't fear this time. "I've got an idea, but you all might not like it." She said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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