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A/N - Guys! A longer chapter!

And, A quick trivia- Who is the one who looks like a rat and has a tree for his BFF?

Plus- You guys are free to give some nick-names for the Avengers for Morgan to use.

Back at the Avenger house, everyone was assembled in Tony's (now Morgan's) lab. Morgan and Peter had told everyone about what they had found. "We need to assemble the others," Morgan said, hoping that there would be some other Avengers too. "Morgan...you see, it is not that easy...we need to have a real emergency if we call all of them like that," Wanda told Morgan. "Oh right! You guys wait for the last moment. Why not just stop the threat from advancing?" Morgan asked. They thought about it and then came to a conclusion that the next day, they would call for the others.

The Next Day
The next day, Wanda contacted all the other Avengers. The first one two show up was a woman in a fantastic suit, who was also radiating (or sparking) with huge amounts of energy. She landed in the front yard and walked swiftly towards the Avenger House.
“Where is she?” She demanded as soon as she reached inside. “Where is who?” Morgan asked. “Is it really you Morgan?” The lady asked, relaxing a little. “Who are you?” Morgan answered with a question. “Carol Danvers, otherwise known as Captain Marvel,” she said. “Oh-Kay… so, I am Morgan Stark, otherwise known as Iron Heart,” Morgan said, standing up straight. Carol smiled and nodded. “By the way, why did you call me here?” Carol asked Wanda. “Let me do the honours,” Morgan said and started to explain. 
“We have found a portal that connects two different universes. This portal is not yet active though. But… it could become bigger threat in the future. You see, why to wait and let the enemy gain power?  Why not just finish them before-hand?”
“Wait, you said that the portal is not yet active, which means that nothing can cross through either side, right?” Carol asked.
“Wrong! No…right but wrong. To activate these kinds of portals which are formed by…” Morgan made a snapping gesture, and everyone in the room understood what she meant. Then she continued, “We just have to throw something over to the other side. For example, that coffee mug; if we throw this into the portal, it will interchange with something of the same kind. This would eventually result in the portal getting activated and people will be able to cross from one side to the other easily.”
“Why to worry if the portal is yet to be activated?” Carol asked. Morgan ignored her and carried on, “This portal is like a tear in a cloth, you stretch it, and it will expand. You do nothing, and then the edges will slowly and slowly fray and make the hole a huge problem in the future. The option left is to stitch it, and as the saying goes, ‘a stitch in time, saves nine’. So, we have to stitch this portal close, anyhow.” “And in order to do that, we have to activate the portal first,” Meg’s voice filled the room. “Wait, Friday, is that you?” Carol asked. “No, I am Meg,” Meg answered.
The next one to arrive was a guy who was fat chubby and had an axe in one of his hands. Morgan flew out of the window to meet him. Before he could even greet her, Morgan looked at him sarcastically and said, “So, your powers include burning grass, huh? Come on! You can’t just move around burning people’s front yards!” Peter and Wanda reached there just in time to tell Morgan that it was the backyard. “See, it is my place, or my dad’s place, or whatever you call it; here I make the rules, so if I say that this the front yard, it is the front yard!” Morgan snapped. Wanda smiled, thinking to herself, ‘Just like Tony; never accepting her mistake.’ Then the chubby guy asked, “Stark’s daughter?” Morgan nodded and then asked, “And who are you?” “Thor,” the guy answered.
Morgan worked on her computer while the others were trying to make Thor understand about the portal. As soon as they finished, Morgan piped up (in a fakey-sweety accent), “Mr. Thor, are you sure you would be able to fight…oh, forget fighting, would you be even able to defend yourself? Like, you are more of a teddy-bear than of the God of Thunder; if you really wanna fight, then you should start dieting.” “Oh! Leave that to me! I fought Thanos with these extra calories; that’s what you call it, right?” Thor said. “Oh! Congratulations! But…I am pretty much sure that this time, if the situation comes combat, we will face a well-equipped army, not some brinjal-head who calls himself inevitable, and tries to balance the universe!”  Morgan said, “And let me add that we won’t be fighting against a single person or a single planet or galaxy; a whole universe is what we are gonna face.” “Not a big deal when my Asguardian friends would be there,” Thor said and a space-ship landed in the backyard (now front yard, as told by Morgan). “Lead them here, Meg” Morgan ordered.
“Hey! Good to meet you, Morgan, right?” A guy with brunette-blond hair greeted Morgan. Morgan nodded and asked for his and his friends names. She got to know that the brunette-blond haired guy was Peter Quill (StarLord also) and a guy without a shirt was Drax (and he was an alien). Next came a lady with aerial antennas on her head, (as described by Morgan) she was known as Mantis (‘I’m gonna call her butterfly,’ Morgan thought). Then a very ‘shiny’ girl – literally, as she was made up of metal, went up to Morgan and told her that she was Nebula. (‘Whoa,” Morgan thought) Then Morgan screamed. Why? Because she saw a very big rat. That rat was big enough to knock out someone like Morgan. “A rat! A rat! Shoo it away! Please!” Morgan begged and flew up to the ceiling. Morgan was even more surprised when the rat began to talk. It said, “Hey you! Human-chandelier! I am no rat or cat or dog. I am Rocket! Rocket Raccoon!” Morgan flew down cautiously and said, “Whatever or whoever you are, to me you resemble a rat, a very big rat. And I hate huge rats. And so, keep away.” Lastly, something came in. (‘A walking tree? Are they serious?’)It introduced itself as “I am Groot,” which Morgan found tacky. ‘A complete group of weirdos,’ Morgan thought and gestured Peter to explain them about the portal.
“Morgan, some sort of space-ship is headed towards the Avenger House,” Meg informed, all of a sudden. “Show me the images,” Morgan said and her computer screen gleamed with the images of the bright blue sky; and a space-ship. “Strengthen the aerial barriers and make ready the laser guns to fire on command,” Morgan said, once looking through all the images captured.
The space-ship speeded towards the Avenger House and at a distance of 7-8 kilometers from the Avenger House, it stopped. It wasn’t able to move any further. Morgan monitored it. Sam got bored from the conversation about the portal, and so, he went up to see what Morgan was up to. As soon as he saw the space-ship, he shouted out, “Hey! That space-ship belongs to our friends from Wakanda! Open the barriers!” “Huh? Oh gosh! You should have told earlier!” Morgan said and told Meg to open the barriers. The space-ship landed and when Morgan got a closer look at the vehicle, she deduced that it was not a space-ship; it was more of a ‘space-ship multiplied by a quinjet, added to a war-ship’, as described by Morgan.
When the people aboard the vehicle came out, Morgan saw a man dressed as a cat. (‘Really?’ Morgan thought.)
The cat-man introduced himself as T’Chaka, (or Black Panther) he was also the King of Wakanda. (So, he is King Wakandian Kitty,’ Morgan thought and smiled.) Then there was a bald lady, as for why she was bald, Morgan neither knew nor dared she ask as she looked murderous; she was known as Okoye. There was also a girl of about Morgan’s age, Shuri by name. She was T’Chaka’s sister.
Morgan explained about the portal once again, mainly to Shuri, as she was the only one understanding something.
“Alright, is there anyone else coming up?” As soon as Morgan said this, a circle of fire or something like that opened up right in front of her, scaring her out of her guts.  “Stop scaring me already!” Morgan screamed at whosoever came in through that weird kind of portal. As she got to know later, the person (or wizard) who she screamed at was Dr.Strange, with his assistant Wong (Morgan really wanted to question that name, but she kept her mouth shut, as something about that wizard and his assistant was freaking Morgan out). 
“See, I was already tired out explaining to everyone in this about the ‘portal’, and then you barged in and scared me like crazy, that tired me out even more, so, Shuri, if you can, then please explain them about…everything,” Morgan said heading out of the room.
Once inside her bedroom, or her temporary bedroom, she sat on her bed and stared at the ceiling. This usually gave her brilliant ideas. But now in the time of maybe-crisis, her brain, mind and head were blank. Just like the ceiling, completely empty, literally nothing was to be seen; or heard… wait…heard? Where was the regular buzz in the house? Morgan suited up in an instant and turned invisible. She walked as quietly as she could, which was not much due to the metal suit. She scanned the hallways, there was nothing, and that was what that creeped Morgan out. She went to the hall where she hoped to find everyone, and………….
She found everyone over there sitting in complete silence. Why? Morgan had to find out. She edged towards the wizard: he was breathing but his eyes were closed, and so were his assistant’s. Then all of a sudden, everything came back to life. Morgan got ready with her laser guns, to shoot… what?
“Okay, now I know everything. See I told you, there won’t be any need to recount the story, I will just read whatever is there in your minds,” the wizard spoke. “Right,” Wanda said, smiling knowingly.

Morgan knew she had made a fool of herself.

he walked away, as silently as she came. Then she went to sleep, or at least, tried to.

Why am I so cautious about everything?” Morgan thought as she tossed and turned in her bed.

A Different World: A Post Endgame StoryWhere stories live. Discover now