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11:36 pm
hateno village, hyrule

"I love the moon."

We were sitting on the roof. It was far past what our parents would call 'bedtime'.


It was a topic i'd brought up to link before, but he would tear up and turn away.


Link looked up at the sky, as did i. a single shooting star made its way across the galaxy.

link wasn't much for words, but every word of his was cherished.

"it's beautiful," I told him, grasping his dainty, but strong hand in my own.

link smiles in response. back when we adventures together, when our objective was to defeat ganon, link and I would chase shooting stars.

ganon has been defeated.

all is right in the world.

it's just link, me, and the stars.

link stroked the back of my hand with his thumb, brought it to his lips and placed a kiss on it. I smile at him, as he's the most beautiful man i've met.


i ran my fingers through his soft, blonde locks and lean close to him.

goat butter. he smells like goat butter, hyrule herbs, and milk.

my lips pressing against his, him smiling and giggling into the kiss, another shooting star passing by overhead.

"i love you, link."

"I love you, (y/n)."

we laid on our backs and watched the stars until our eyelids grew heavy.


watch the stars.

we fell asleep.

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