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The woods were silvered and transformed by the light of the moon, which, at the full, hung like a pearl on the radiant edge of heaven

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The woods were silvered and transformed by the light of the moon, which, at the full, hung like a pearl on the radiant edge of heaven.

Jeremy walked beside Alaric, who carried a rifle. Jeremy held the bow up to his face, peering through the scope every once in a while to try and catch a glance at anything that he might not be able to see through the naked eye.

Alaric's phone vibrates from within his pocket, and he pulls it out to read the text he'd gotten from Damon. "Stefan's taking care of Caroline and is making sure she steers clear from Molly." Alaric reads the text out loud to Jeremy, who nods slowly in response.

"And Elena?" Jeremy asks.

"With Damon." Alaric responds, as he shoves his phone back into his pocket. He stops walking to take a second to look around. "She couldn't have gotten very far— with Kai siphoning more magic out of her every full moon, I assume her transformations are getting less and less." He says.

"Meaning what?" Jeremy asks, as he continues to walk around.

"Meaning we might be dealing with a half-transformed werewolf." Alaric says.

"Well that's a good thing right?" Jeremy asks, glancing at Alaric before turning back around.

"I don't know. A fully transformed wolf on full moon's usually just roam around and do no harm if there are no vampires around." Alaric sighs before speaking again. "And I'm afraid Molly isn't in the mood to play nice."

Alaric glances at Jeremy after he got no response. He was bent down a couple feet away. As Alaric walked over to see what he was looking at, his heartbeat increased at the sight of blood stained leaves that lay beside a tree that was also splattered with the deep red.

Alaric examined it in fear, as it was so fresh that it was still dripping down off the bark of the tree.

Jeremy glances up behind him at Alaric and swallowed. "I think you might be right."

Molly slunk like she was a part of the shadow world. Her heart was cold and her mind had no room for pity. Every step she took hurt, as the magic kept fighting her to complete the transformation.

But she could do nothing to stop it— as Kai wasn't here to help anymore.

Blood slid down her arm and soaked the cloth material of her torn up clothes. It stained her entire mouth, to her neck, to her chest. But yet, even though pain fluctuated on her face, the defiant stance and angry crease through her forehead indicated she wasn't going to stop. She didn't even remember who she killed— and she didn't care to.

Her eyes glowed a sharp yellow, fangs protruded from her gums and claws extended from her fingernails. She couldn't tell if she would rather just have a full transformation at this point— because this felt like she was stuck in between two states.

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