First Day of U.A.!

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Birds chirped outside as the sun rose, showing the dew covered plants and soft grass that glistened in the sun, giving the peacefully sleeping animals their wake up call as the birds began to tweet away. And of course, the first day of you going to U.A. Ah yes, what a perfect morning. But, not for you. Loser. Your alarm blared in your ears, causing you to groggily punch it onto the ground, turning the cursed thing off. You sighed, relived of the ear strain. However, despite quickly falling back asleep, you could hear the soft movements of your cousin, Mina, getting up a few rooms over. Wait, how long have you slept again? 1 hour? 5 hours? You couldn't get the questioning thoughts of time out of your head. But, only after the sounds ceased, did your eyes shoot open. You peeked over the edge of your mattress at your floored alarm, and a look of horror consumed your face.


Oh shit.

Mina could only watch from the bottom of the stairs as you rushed by from the bathroom back to your own room, as you screamed some extreme profanity that would get you killed if your parents heard. Yanking the uniform off your dresser, you ran back to the restroom and slammed the door to get dressed. Luckily, the pink skinned girl had actually bothered to iron your clothes the night before. God, why did your hair have to be this fucking thick.


After settling for a simple slick bun, you practically fly down the stairs and crash into Mina. Who smacks you on the back, shoves a danish in your mouth, grabs both of y'all's stuff, and runs out the door. "MIINAAAA, WE AINT GONNA TO MAKE IT IF WE DON'T USE MY QUIRK!!'" You scream at her, trying not to trip as she runs block after block with her hand latched onto your wrist. "WE GOT THIS DONT WORRY!"

"Well, isn't morning detention great."

You hiss at Mina, who cheekily shrugs at you like her dumbass didn't want to use your quirk, and made you both run late.

There wasn't much you could do until it ended.

Except staring out the window of course.

Blah blah I haven't rewritten this part yet.
"Not at all princess!" Says a kid with yellow hair and... sparkles? "I am the ever so sparkly Yuga Aoyama! Nice to meet you!" He Holds out a hand with sparkly gloves on them. You surprisingly take it and smile
"I'm Y/N L/N! Nice to meet you Aoyama-Kun!" Your soft side says for you.
"My my! You have a pretty big bust there!~" Says a grape looking boy. You say out of reflexes, "You've got a pretty big head for a midget, you rag doll piece of horseshit."
All the boys but a candy-cane haired looking kid, a green haired boy and and blonde Pomeranian haired boy, goes "OHHHH! You just got BURNT Mineta!" Mina says "Serves you RIGHT!" The Pomeranian haired boy says "Oi, don't go stealing my spot extra. It's my job to kick this little perverts ass got it?" You want to Kicks his ass now so you walk in front of his desk and say,
"Oh, you don't have a spotlight anymore you Dandelion lookin bitch, you had one."

That did it for him.

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