Is it lunchtime yet?...I'm hungry and bored!

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"Bakugo...detention... Y/N Extra Homework." Mr. Aizawa said in a tired out voice.
"I don't get paid enough for this....." He grumbles as he walks back into the classroom.
You stare at Bakugo for a few seconds and then ya backhand him. He stumbles back and looks at you with a surprised expression that quickly changes into a very angry one.
"What the hell?!" He yells. "Oh sorry, that was so sudden I didn't even have a chance to actually react Bakugo!" You sigh sadly.
"Just get back to class..." You watch him walk back into the room and you soon follow. The moment everyone sees you, they all go
"Bakugou and Y/N, sittin in a tree K-I-S-MMM!" You put them all in water bubbles.
"Don't do that." You sit down in your seat and snap your fingers. The water bubbles disappear and they all catch there breath while wheezing and coughing. Aoyama-Kun was the only one who didn't say it. Well, he did say it but not in a rude way. "How dare you do that to moi?" He questions you. "Well-" You were cut off by Aizawa saying to shut your traps and pay attention.

{Time skip brought to you by my gay ass}

You jolt awake as the bell rings for class to be over. Anddd you fall out of your seat. Mina helps you up. "Hey! You good girl?"
You sit up and say in a sarcastic tone of voice, "Totally fine!"
The Pikachu kid comes up to you and says "Hey! Do you wanna eat lunch together?"
You smile and say "Yeah sure Kaminari!"
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Bakugou giving Denki a death stare. But he didn't seem
to notice.You then grab your things, and leave talking to Kaminari and Mina.

{At Lunch...}

After you got out your bento, you walked over to the table where Kaminari and Mina we're sitting along with, a red haired kid with shark teeth, a black haired boy with a soy sauce smile, and... Bakugo.
You sigh and sit down next to Mina and Kaminari and start chatting about the next exams. Kaminari said
"I'm sure to fail. I'm a dunce" You feel bad and say,
"No way! We will make it through together!" His eyes lit up in happiness and he tackle hugs you. "ThankYouSoMuch,
YouAreTheFirstOneToBeliveInMeThankYouThankYouThankYou!!!!" He Yells
You giggle a bit "You're welcome Kaminari!"
Bakugo sees you two and gets pissed.
Kaminari was so close to your face it looked
like you both were kissing! (Which was quite adorable)
"Oi! Keep your hands off the f•cking cutie!" He yells at Denki
The entire lunchroom goes SILENT.

454 Words

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