CHAPTER II.III: What Teach You Had?

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CHAPTER II:     Welcome to the Reality of Life (Part 3)



"Hehehehehehe!" "Hahahahaha!" "Hihihihihihihi!"

          To laugh at jokes is a sign of intelligence according to my sister Dervla. However, in situations like these, laughter is not the best medicine.


          Everytime we laugh at sister Dervla's jokes,


          The pain was real...


"I'm not doing anything yet."



          Really painful! 

          Me and sister Saoirse would quickly run onto our beds and hide under the wool, pretending to sleep. But when Mother Ma Mommy tried to...


          One is enough to make sister Dervla...


          Whenever the trigger button was pushed, the music would start to play. Welcome to our reality of life. Even if you try to cover your ears, there is no escape. Their poetic MUSICAL argument would echo in our minds like a last song syndrome SINGdrome:


*Clink! Clink! Clang!*


*Clatter! Clatter! Clink! Clink! Clang!*

{Sister Dervla}     "Why is religion so serious?

I thought God was bored this moment

I can see through my lens

He made people to serve Him through entertainment

God loves the humorous for God is a genius!

KILDARE: Smart vs Intelligent by Wicked WritchWhere stories live. Discover now