First day

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My dad and myself just moved to this town called magnolia. I was born here, but had to leave due to my father's work as a business man. My mom had passed away a few years ago. Today is my first day at fairy tail high. I'm so excited, I get to see my old childhood friends Levy, Erza, Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, and Jellal. So according to levy.
Erza and Jellal are dating,  Gray and Juvia are dating as well. Levy likes Gajeel but doesn't think he likes her back, but everyone is trying to show them they like each other and it's slowly working. Walking up to the school I go to the office. I get a map and my schedule. my homeroom teacher is Mr. Loki same as Levy. As I walked up to the classroom I see the class has already started. I knocked on the door. "oh, hello you  must be Lucy, I'm Mr.Loki" I looked up at him and smiled
"Hello Mr. Loki, how are you doing?"
"I'm doing very well, thank you" he smiled back at me "class this is Lucy heartfilia" he waved his hand to where I was standing "why don't we all give her the fairy tail welcome?"
I did not know what to expect, I thought of them all saying hello all at the same time, but instead the put there pointer finger in the air with there thumbs out and said "welcome Lucy, to fairy tail high"
I just smiled and said "thank you"
"Lucy you can sit behind Natsu there, Natsu please rase your hand"
A shy looking boy with pink, spiked hair rase his hand and I went to sit down
Mr. Loki put on a movie that we watched for the class period, I just drew some in one of my notebooks and looked at natsu's hair. Surprisingly it looked soft, I wanted to play with it, but focused on drawing or the movie. After the movie I stood up with all my stuff and stood next to natsu's desk.
"Hi, your natsu right, I was wandering if you could help me get to my next class?"
I could feel Levy starting into my soul but did not do anything about it
"Sure, who do you have next?" He asked
" I have mis. Aries next, for math" I responded
"Oh, so do I", he got his stuff, " ready to go?" I nodded and with that we were off. The rest of the day was not that interesting. so now I'm at home watching t.v before bed. I kissed my dad good night and went to bed thinking about natsu
That's it for now
Ace out ✌🏻

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