The Great River

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Maia was stunned by the news becuase the great river was forbidden for years becuase of the terrible monster the taniwha. "The taniwha was said to have eaten over 70 people until grandfather put it into hiding," thought Maia "are we really that desperate". As they the men rode on Maia thought she must catch up and walked carefully but, still in sight of Ihaia's men. Soon they reached the river which had been the moment Ihaia had secretly been dreading. "Who shall go first, captain," Nikau said in barely a whisper. "I will go," Ihaia said louder "do you hear that men we have reached the banks of the horrible taniwha for, if I do not come back you fight for your lives". A murmur of questionable looks came across the 26 men. 'I will go" Ihaia repeated and stepped into the river. 

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