ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ Tᗴᑎ||10.

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          "Catch me!" Kacey called out towards Sam and before he could answer she ran and jumped on his back causing him to stumble before he gripped onto her thighs to hold her up

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"Catch me!" Kacey called out towards Sam and before he could answer she ran and jumped on his back causing him to stumble before he gripped onto her thighs to hold her up.

They had went to the beach, their favorite spot to be alone. Sam wanted to talk to Kacey while Kacey just wanted to spend time with Sam.

The whole pack had noticed how she was starting to be gone all the time. They noticed how she seemed to want to spend a lot more time with people then she did before. They noticed how she was trying to hide her fear, how she was trying her best to put on a good face for everyone. She didn't seem to want anyone to fight her battles, but she couldn't do anything about it and so instead of stopping them, she decided to just spend as much time as she had with the people she cared about, because if it came down to it, she would sacrifice herself for each and every one of them.

          Kacey jumped off Sams back and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, placing a kiss onto her head.

"So" Sam cleared his throat getting Kacey's attention causing them both to slow down walking. "I was wondering if I could talk to you?"

"Sure" Kacey nodded, her eyebrows furrowed.

        "So, the pack and I have noticed some things" that first sentence caught Kacey's attention as soon as it came out of Sams mouth. "Things like you randomly starting to spend time with people more and more"

          Kacey shrugged "so, what? I can't spend time with family?"

          "You can!" Sam immediately said not wanting to start a argument "but, we've noticed how this is different" Sam told her.

          "And so what if it is?" Kacey asked him.

"I was hoping you could tell me why" Sam told her nervously making Kacey sigh.

The last thing she wanted was to put him through a lot of stress. He already had a lot to deal with regarding Kacey's mom and Kacey adding onto his problems wouldn't be a good thing to do. As not only a imprint but also a friend.

"We don't know what's gonna happen" her voice cracked as she glanced up a Sam through her blurry eyes. "And as much as you all hate to admit it, I could die, and I want to spend as much time with you all as I can because I don't wanna die and leave y'all to think I didn't care" she took a deep breath before continuing "because I care, I care about every single one of you, And I'll die before anything ever happens to any of you"

Sams jaw clenched, he hated seeing her like this. He gently placed his hands on her cheeks tilting her head up towards him, he wiped her tears and placed her kiss on her lips. "Nothing's gonna happen to you" he said in a gentle tone "you won't have to risk your life for any of us because nothing is gonna happen" And as much as they wanted to believe his words, a bad feeling settled into their stomachs.

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