Chapter one

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It was a regular Tuesday night, when Harry Potter finally snapped. He had forgotten the extra gravy on Dudley's turkey, and Vernon had decided enough was enough. The boy was ten years old, after all, so he should be perfectly able to remember the extra goddamn gravy. Vernon had turned a sickly shade of purple, spewing words of loathing at Harry before grabbing him by the shirtfront and lugging him up the stairs to his and Petunia's bedroom. Behind Vernon, what neither he nor Harry could see, was Petunia turning a pale grey, and Dudley's smug smirk.

Harry was thrown down onto the bed, and as Vernon started to unbuckle his belt, he realized what was about to happen. Thrown into a panic, he started murmuring words of please, no, don't do this Uncle Vernon. If anything, his pleading just seemed to make Vernon angrier.

The other members of Privet Drive would later say all they heard was terrified screaming before there was a blinding light, and all of the lights on the street went out. What no one saw, however, was the silhouette of a small boy running through the streets and hopping onto a thin double decker bus.
I know it's short, but here's the first chapter of my first fan fiction! Updates will be sporadic at best, but I hope you like it!

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