Chapter 2

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Stan Shupike couldn't help but feel like something was off when a young boy with a tear stained face and wild eyes boarded the Knight Bus, but who was he to question the reasons for a wizards need to go somewhere? However, as the young boy looked around in wonder through the whole ride, Stan became more and more suspicious.

"You alright there, kid? You lookin' like you've never seen magic before." Stan's voice was flat, but his face was full of simple curiosity.                                                                                                        

"That's because I haven't." The deadpan tone that came out of the young boy was unexpected, and Stan's eyebrows rose slightly in shock. 

"What'dya mean you 'avent seen magic before? You called for the Knight Bus, didn'tcha?" Stan seemed confused, but more shocked than anything.                                                                                        

"I grew up in a house where even the mention of magic wasn't allowed." Harry pushed his bangs out of his face-a nervous habit- and was met with a sharp inhale from Stan.                                

"Bloody 'ell, you're 'Arry Potter!" His voice was now full of wonder, before his face fell flat. "But that can't be right, 'Arry Potter growin' up with muggles? No way."                                                            

Harry stared at the man in shock. Why did he know his name? And what the hell was a muggle? "Sorry, but how do you know who I am? And what exactly is a muggle?" Stan's eyebrows rose even higher, and he let out a huff of air in shock.

"I tell you what, we'll drop you off at Diagon, and from there you go to Gringotts and you ask for an inheritance test. A full one. The goblins there should explain everything." Stan's shock had calmed down a bit, but as Harry looked even more confused now, he went on to explain a bit more.

"Gringotts is the wizarding bank, run by goblins. Right foul creatures they are, but make sure to show them respect. Not many witches an' wizards do."

Soon enough they had reached their destination. With a wave over his shoulder to Stan, Harry stepped off of the Knight Bus and started towards the rather normal looking pub. Not a glance was cast his way as he walked over to the bartender and quietly asked for the entrance to Diagon Alley. The bartender-Tom-let him through with little fuss, sparing only a glance at his face as he walked through the barrier. 

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