38. Miss Bennet

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Seeing my mother after seven months was the most scariest thing ever. It was scarier than pregnancy. Something was off to me. Did she come to apologize for trying to take Jrue? Did she come with more reasons to take Jrue from me and Jules? It was hard to see pass her bland face.

"Mom." I said.

She walked over to me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back, awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"What do you mean what am I doing here, I'm you're mother. I'm supposed to be here aren't I?"

She gave me another hug and I stared at Jules confused. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Hey Miss Bennet." Jules greeted.

Mom turned to her and gave a half smile and turned to me.

"How have you been lately, how's the baby girl?" Mom went on.

"How did you- Gia." I remembered. She must have been telling mom everything.

"She's good, kicky but good." I replied.

"Good I already had some names in mind, I was thinking maybe, Moon or Star or something. Oh no maybe-"

"Mom! Stop." I interrupted. I didn't understand why she was making all these plans and names for my baby.

"We already have a name."

"Oh, what is it?" She asked doubtful.

"Jrue Stone." Jules smiled as saying it.

Mom laughed. We were confused. Jules twitched in her seat.

"Why Jrue?"

"Because it connects us. Jules and Rue."

She laughed again.

Us Forever ( A Rue & Jules Love Story From Euphoria) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now