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As I slowly pull myself from the pool of chemical acid, and fall to the dirt floor, I can feel myself changing. My mind becoming sharper, my skin tingled, no doubt changing as well. My breathing returning to normal, heart rate slowing down from the panic that race throw me as my once wonderful husband of two years pushed me off the platform above the massive container of acid. The cruel words he had spoken to me just before pushing me, run through my mind like a broken record. "You stupid woman! Its vary clear I only wanted your money. The only thing any man would want from you is your money. No one could love a grotesque beast like yourself. Now that I can finely get my hands on all that money, I no longer need you. goodbye my darling wife." Were his last words to me. As the words repeat in my head I could feel ager boiling in my belly.

I slowly stood up and brushed the dirt off my slim long black dress. With my shoes gone, dissolved in the chemicals most likely, the dirt floor rough beneath my feet. I began my long walk home in hopes to find a sleeping soon to be ex-husband with plans of seeking revenge plotting in my mind. It took a good two hours to get home but I made it just to find it quiet. No doubt that sorry excuses of a man is off with some whore that he most likely been having an affair with. That is perfectly fine for now. Let him feel safe, let him believe he has won.  I will wait and plot my revenge. For now, I will start my new life. I thought to myself. I walk into my bedroom straight into the white marble bathroom, complete with a gold egg shape bath tub and a shower big enough to fit five people comfortable. I plugged the bath tub, turning on the hot water, and I added some bath saults along with some eucalyptus scented oil. Quickly stripping and slipping into the bath, with the hot water washing away the old shy, insecure, naïve Mel. I am a new person now, and I will bring tragedy to this wretched city.

After hours of soaking, the water has gotten cold and my body was demanding me to leave. So, I get up and head back into my bedroom straight to my walk in personal closet, to pick out the perfect outfit for my plan tonight. I plan on acquiring a vary well trained army of henchmen, by simply talking it from someone. After I was dressed I looked at my self in the mirror and was shocked to what I found. I was no longer the light tan skinned, brown wavy hair and dark blue eyes anymore. I find myself happy with my now  straight silky black hair reaching down to my behind, my eyes were bluer than the sky, and my skin was as pail as porcelain doll. I headed down to the underground garage for the perfect set of wheels.

Parking my black slick sports car right outside the small building with the load music from inside vibrating my windows. Stepping out of the car, locking it up, I slowly waked over to the bouncer at the front door of the night club, slightly swaying my hips for him. I could fee everyone's eyes on me, some with the vibes of jealousy and other with lust. None of which bothered me now, I only had one thing on my mind. I leaned up against the bounce and batted my eye lashes in hopes of him letting my in with out a fuse. With a red face and his eyes never leaving my vary exposed chest, the bouncer steeped out of the way and let me pass into the booming loud music dance club.

I sat down at the bar, crossing my legs over each other, letting the skirt of my dries to slip just an inch higher up my thigh. I turned to the bar tender and ordered my a dirty martini. As I slowly sip on my drink and casually scan the club in hopes of finding the perfect victim for my deadly plan. Up in the VIP section sits a man in the first booth, standing near him are four large men that are clearly packing some impressive weaponry. He wore a nice, well fitted suit, must likely vary expensive. His hands that are loaded with gold rings, rested on a long slim black cane with some gold handle on top. He is vary chubby man, with short black hair, ugly brown small eyes. He is no doubt the ugliest man I have ever seen, but that is what makes him the perfect target. Now all I have to do is get his attention.

I looked around and found some girls dancing in what looked like a plastic cage box. That looks like fun, I thought to myself. I swiftly finished my drink and walked over to on of the boxes closest to the man in the VIP seating. I started to dance, slow at first to get the feel of the music, swaying my hips to the beat and as the beat pick up, I moved along with it. Keeping eyes locked on the ugly man, I began to seduce the man with my body. I can see a smile spread across his face as he began to make his way over to me, with his men fallowing close behind him. As he stepped up to the box, I stepped up my game and really put on the charm, showing off my god given goods. I could see him falling hard and fast, he has began to drool staring at my hips move. He opens the door to the box and stuck his hand out for me to take. Placing my hand into his, he helped me out of the box and lead me up to the booth he was previously been seated at. I set my self close to him, brushing my legs against his, placing the same hand of his that held mine with on to my lap. "What is your name hot stuff?" He asked. His breath stunk to high heaven. "Mel is the mane." "Well can I buy you a drink Mel?" I smiled sweetly and nodded yes. "Dirty martin please." "How dirty?" He asked racing his eye brows up and down subjectively. "Filthy" I replied. He just smirked and turned to one of his men, ordering him to get the drinks form the bar, then turned back to me with a creep smile. Mostly likely his best attempts at trying and failing to be sexy. "So, what is a sweet lovely thing as your self doing here tonight?" He asked "I am simply looking for some fun. DO you want to have some fun with me?" I asked back. Our drinks wear placed on the glass table in front and I slowly lean over and picked it up, making sure he had a great view of my ass before sitting back again. I looked him in the eye lifting my glass to my mouth and right before I took a drink I slowly ran my though over my lips. "Well If you want fun that much, we can always go back to my place and have some fun all night long." He said as he started to shirt in his seat, clearly getting excited. "Sounds like the fun I have been looking for. Lead the way. ." I said downing my drink in one gulp. "Do you mind if one of your friends brings over my car?" I asked sweetly. "Of cores." and with that he waved off one of his men and walked me out to his car.

Mother of Gotham, and the Jokers QueenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang