chapter 4

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*This is going to be the jokers view starting from when he entered the diner*

As I stepped in to the diner, I couldn't help to think what a pathetic place for a man of my power to be seen in. With a quick look around, I spotted the she-devil herself. She sat straight and proper, just as a woman filled with elegance and power would. As she turned to me, her radioactive beauty made me speechless, I was frozen to the spot from her sky-blue eyes. Without a doubt she is the very definition of beauty; the tightness in my chest and the hardening in my groin would not disagree with that. My heart raced at the sight of her, and I stiffen with need as thoughts of running my hands all over her perfect body raced through my head. Must focus, man up you fool, I kept telling myself. After pushing the erotic thoughts to the back of my mind, I walk over to their table. Taking a seat across from her, leaving my goons to sit on the other side of her men, I very carefully slipped my hand gun from the waist band of my pants and laid it on my thigh, easily to grab if things went to shit. "Before we even think about why you wanted to meet, I say we eat first. So, if you please?" She said, calling the waiter over to us. When it came to my turn to order, I simply pointed at a random meal on the menu before shooing the man off. Sitting in the unnerving quiet, was stressful, but no one dared to say a word and we all simply stared each other down. Everyone was trying to intimidate one another. However, Mother had a simple, content smile on her face. She looked to each of us like she did not care weather we were frightened of her, even had a look of fearless to her. Like nothing could scare her, not even death himself.

When the food had finely made an appearance, the smell was mouthwatering good, my men and I dug in with no stopping. After my plate was empty and belly full I looked up to her, ready to start threating her for my power back, but stopped when I saw that she was still eating. I sat there dumb founded and speechless as I watched her eat. She was so elegant, like a proper refined woman would be. I couldn't stop myself from wondering about this odd woman. She did not act or look like the number one feared criminal, so how did she become so. I may have slipped my game, but how did such an angelic, petite, pure woman become so feared. I watch her and her men interact with one another, and I was amused with the way they acted with each other. They looked to her with pride, loyalty, and I could even see love in their eyes. She looked at them with eyes of a proud mother, as if they were her real children, but no doubt they weren't. I studied her closely. I saw a new emotion, one I could not recognize, appear in her eyes every time she glances at me, but it is gone when she turns away.

After a long wait, they had finally finished their meals, when the waiter came to the table, for the empty plates, she stopped him and ordered ice cream for everyone, as well as myself. After he left she turns to me and the look on her face told me to start and state my business. I sat up straight, clearing my throat of all emotions and turned to her. I plastered a large frightening smile upon my face, to try to intimidate her. With a low and threatening voice, I said, "I want my crown back, my dear." I was prepared for her to strike back, for her to pull a gun on me, or even for her to start to arguing with me, but she did none of those things. I was not prepared for the very thing she did do. Out of nowhere, she just started laughing. A full out, tearful, gut wrenching fit of giggles. Even though I was insulted, I could not find it in myself to be mad at her for laughing, as well bring myself to put a stop to it. Her laugh was so wonderful to hear, to my ears it sounded as if angels were singing. My heart had a mind of its own, and it called out to be held in her hands. I looked around the table and saw no change from her men, they all sat there just staring at my goons, ready to act if need be. I looked to my men that stared at her with eyes full of confusion and horror. I turned back to her and thought to myself that maybe I could scare her enough into giving up her power. When she had finally stopped laughing, I stared at her, using every bit of self-control that I had to look at her with a displeased look, even though my heart was screaming at me to smile. God, I sound just like a schmuck, but she is just astonishing, I thought to myself. "No", was her quick and simple answer. "You know I can always just kill you and your men right now and not lose any sleep over it?" I asked pushing down the pained feeling that shot through me at the thought of killing her gave me. "Do you take me as a fool? Do you really think I would willing sit here through out a hold dinner without having a gun on you? Without any kind of safety net or back up plan? I have had a gun on my lap this whole time, pointed right at you, and if you had made one wrong move I would had sent you home missing some body parts that are vary precious to you."

Vary slowly I leaned down and looked under the table, and just as she said, there was a gun sitting on her lap with her hand laying loosely on top of it, pointing right at my crotch. Shame washed over me, yet oddly I could feel a strong flame of pride ignite in my chest. Even though I mentally beat myself up, over the fact that I had put myself in such a rough spot, but I could not stop myself from being proud of the fact that she had done what most couldn't. She has backed me into a corner leaving me at her mercy, with my life in her hands. When I had sat up right, I found my men standing with their guns raised and aimed at her, ready to pool the trigger at any time. I glanced at her men in the same spot as they were before, but now with their own guns laying on top of the table, with their hands loosely laid on top of them. With their cold stares never moving from my men, they wait for the sign to shoot. How odd, I thought to myself. I was broken from my thoughts at the sound of her voice. "I was so hoping for a simple, and calm meeting. I am more than happy to talk about the possibility of sharing. I really do not feel like having a massive shoot out today, but if you insist on being violent I will not hesitate to shoot you dead. So, which will it be?" She asked. We sat there staring each other down for good full ten minutes. The tension was so thick in the air you could cut it with a knife. No one dared to move an inch, until one of us gave them a sign.

Suddenly the waiter from earlier appeared with a tray full of bowls that contain our desserts. I watched fascinated when Mother turn her head to him, a large cheerful smile spread across her lovely lips, and her eyes widen, filling with excitement at the sight of him. I could see how much she loved ice cream, and the thought of getting all the ice cream in the world and gift it to her, just to receive that smile, popped into my mind. Suddenly aware of the tension that lay upon the table, the waiter stopped and looked around at us and started shaking from the sight of the many guns that had been pulled. Turning back to Mother, I hear her start to talk to the petrified waiter with a soft, soothing voice that seem to not only calm him as well as me and my men. Slowly my men sat down, putting their guns away and watching her in amazement. "My dear man, please do not be afraid, for you carry the good, cold refreshments that we long for. So, there is no reason for you to be harmed. I give you my word, my good sir. So, if you could please pass out the lovely ice cream before it melts away." She said to the man, with a small giggle, as a sweet smile spread across her angelic face. I found myself feeling calm, but it was short lived, as I started getting angry. Angry at this woman for not submitting to my will and as well as corning me at gun point. Angry at my men for not sticking to my side and falling under the witch's spell. But mostly angry with myself, for letting this all happen and wishing to know this woman more.

Fed up with this bull shit, I stood up abruptly with my men following my actions. Keeping her eyes focused to me, as I watch her slip a spoon full of round, cold, white ice cream in to her mouth and I was momently distracted from the tightness in my pants once again. I was unable to stop the erotic thoughts from running in my head. I must leave before I do something I shouldn't do. "Well, this meeting had not gone the way I had planned but I will not stop here. When you see me again, I will get my title back." I said quickly and swiftly turned and headed for the door. As I am walking out the door, I hear her shout a few words, that make my heart beat a little faster. "I look forward to seeing you again."

Mother of Gotham, and the Jokers QueenWhere stories live. Discover now